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2011年4月3日 星期日

Love more likely to Look-Alikes?

Want to learn the secret behind the human attraction? Finding a partner that she looks like.

Or at least that is the theory behind the rendezvous, a site launched this month by the New Bloom Christina Rockefeller Center.

After you upload your image, the site uses facial recognition technology for growth at nine points of your face-your eyes, ears, nose, Chin, and corners and center of your mouth--to match you. When the spots are guides, it warns the pair.

"If you look at most pairs, you see that these features are very similar facial," Bloom said. "I do believe that there is this theory will help people."

The would-be proxenitis said the perception that people are more those who resemble them to attract came from my own experience and years of observation.

About 20 years, said she began dating her own doppelganger male and said he feels an unparalleled traction.

"I had such a strong attraction to him, and it was like nothing he had ever experienced before," he said. "Our Features were very similar and we were told that we looked like brothers everywhere we went. Then I started noticing couples everywhere I went. "

This observed phenomenon between friends and family, as Hollywood stars such as David Bowie and Iman, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Heidi Klum and seal and Paul Newman and Joanne Durant.

Bloom wrote a book a small gift for the theory and later started a blog, but about a year and a half before she decided to be taken seriously by the placement of the theory to work.

' I Knew. Know in my gut that there was something here, "he said. "I realized that the only way to get what was there to create an appointment website."

The site, fueled by the technology of facial recognition, attracted around 8,000 people. Test service in the early days, these users can also take part for free. But since the site reaches a critical mass, Bloom said it might charge similar to that of the other dating sites.

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