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2011年6月9日 星期四

How to Get Women to Answer Their Phones When You Call

The goal of emailing women on dating sites it to get their phone numbers, which can then lead to meeting in the real world.

In this article you'll learn what to do once you get a woman's number, and how to transition from emailing to talking on the phone.

Why Women Don't Answer Their Phones After Giving You Their Number

Many women will give you their phone number and then never pick up when you call.

A woman that doesn't answer your calls or return your messages makes absolutely no sense. After all, if she's not interested, why would she have given you her number in the first place?

The explanation comes down to attraction. If you can attract a woman, she will likely give you her phone number. However, attraction is a fleeting emotion.

A woman might be momentarily attracted to you, say from a funny email you sent her, and give you her number, but then a few days later when you call her she doesn't answer because those feelings of attraction are gone.

So what do you do then? How do you get a woman to answer her phone when you call or return your messages?

Well, first we have to go back a little bit.

Attraction Starts Before You Call A Woman

If a woman was guilted into giving you her number or just being polite, of course she's not going to answer when you call.

Make sure you're getting women's numbers because they are attracted to you, not because they are being polite. That is the first step to getting a woman to answer her phone when you call.

So let's say you have attracted a woman and she has given you her number. What then?

Well, you can just call her, but the problem with that is only a small percentage of women will actually answer their phone.

One reason women don't answer their phones is because they don't recognize your number.

If a woman doesn't answer her phone, you'll have to leave a message. You'll then have to wait for her to call you back, if she ever does.

Some guys have realized leaving messages on women's voicemail doesn't work very well, so they get smart and text her.

Setting up a date through text can be done and I have done it, however, doing that prevents you from attracting her over the phone, which is very powerful.

Setting up dates through text also eliminates the chance you have to qualify a woman to make sure she'll be fun once you meet up with her. It's much better to find out if a woman is a dud on the phone before you take the time to meet up with her.

Going out with women who have nothing to say, who are boring, who are negative, or who you have no chemistry with is a waste of time. And you can't find out any of that information through text, but you can over the phone.

I have disqualified a lot of women over the phone and thereby saved my time for other women. I've learned this by making the mistake of meeting up with women who were duds on the phone and then were duds in person too.

My rule of thumb is if you have no chemistry or don't have fun with a woman on the phone, there is no point in meeting up with her in person. I'm sure there are exceptions, but this rule will save you a lot of wasted time with women who suck in person.

So now you know why talking to a woman on the phone is important, but how do you get her to pick up her phone?

How To Get A Woman To Program Your Number Into Her Phone Before You Call

How do you get around the problem of a woman not recognizing your number?

You get her to program your number into her phone before you call her. This greatly increases the chances a woman will actually answer her phone when you call.

I'm going to give you a text message in just moment that will persuade most women to program your number into their phone, but first there are a couple things to keep in mind.

You'll want to call a woman on the same day you text her this message. And you want to have a few hours between the time you text her and then call her.

So if a woman gives her number in the evening or at night, you'll probably want to wait until the next day to text her.

If a woman emails you her number early in the day you can text her and then call her that same night.

Here's the text message:

Hi. Just wanted to give you my number too. - Brandon

(Obviously you'll want to leave your name instead of mine.)

Very simple, but very powerful.

This text does several things very effectively.

First, it makes it seem like she asked for your number and you were just being polite by giving it to her. This is powerful because it gives value to your number.

Second, there is a subtle suggestion that she should program her number into her phone. So rather than seeing a number she doesn't recognize, she'll see your name when you call.

Third, it prepares her for your call. She'll assume the next thing you're going to do is call her.

Most women will text back something like, "Thanks, how are you doing?" or "Hey! What are you up to?" I'll usually text back something like, "Just working. I'll call you tonight."

I keep it brief when I text a woman back because I don't want to have a conversation through text. It's very easy to lose momentum when a woman doesn't text back right away, and if you lose momentum she might not answer her phone.

After you send the text, wait a few hours and then call her. (I like to call between 8 and 9:30 pm.) Most women will now answer when you call.

Some women won't text you back. That's not a big deal. Just call her a few hours after you send the text anyway.

Try out this text and let me know how it goes.

Brandon Duran

Getting women's phone numbers on dating sites is critical to meeting them in the real world. (If you don't know how to get a woman's number on dating sites see how to get a girls number.) But after you get a woman's number, you've then got to do a lot of other things right in order to meet her in person.

If you'd like to find out what those other things are, check out the Get Her To Respond blog. It's packed with cutting edge online dating advice to help you meet and date more women from online dating sites. Brandon Duran, creator of the Get Her To Respond blog and the premier online dating coach, has condensed some of his best techniques for meeting women online, and it's all free on the blog. Check it out now

