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2011年6月11日 星期六

Understanding Attraction - The Key to Getting Women

If you want women learn to attract them

Attraction is the primary need to get women. The initial thing you have to do is learn about attraction. It is vital that you learn everything there is to know about attraction because without it you will have no chance at all. Guys for the most part go for women that they are attracted to physically. Women on the other hand go for men they are attracted to on a mental level. So if you learn the way to spark that mental interest you will be well on the way to attracting the women that you desire. Remember this if you want to have women be attracted to you, the first thing you need to do is take steps to be attractive to them.

Attraction is the primary important fact in getting women

This is great for us guys. Of course spending 5 hours a day at the gym to have washboard abs can never hurt. Looks matter to a point, but if you spend those same five hours every single day working on your personality, you presentation and your charm with women, you will easily beat the gym guy. That is not to say that shape isn't a factor. Being presentable is important. 50 extra pounds is not attractive to women. But 10-15 extra pounds really will not matter in the long run. To attract her you need to work on the following personality traits: confidence, self-assurance, humor, charisma, communication, flirting and complete understanding of body language. If you can improve on that list, and learn a few "tricks" along the way you will be well on your way to getting women.

Since attraction is such an essential part of getting women, I hope that you would check this out: The Attraction Master. It will show you detailed hints and examples from every single one of the important personality traits: confidence, self-assurance, humor, charisma, communication, flirting and complete understanding of body language. Understanding attraction is not nearly as difficult as men often think.

