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2011年2月15日 星期二

How to attract beautiful women-5 deadliest mistakes

You dress well, hold a stable job, and are generally considered by your peers as a nice guy. So, how come you can never seem to attract beautiful women? What are you doing wrong? Check the list below to see if you're making any of the five fatal mistakes that keep many men from achieving anything near their full potential with Women. I bet that you are doing at least one of these things in a misguided attempt to win her over...

1. Trying To Impress - When you constantly buy a woman expensive things and take her out to dinner at high-end restaurants to impress her, even when you can barely afford it, you are actually sending the message that you're not confident of being able to attract her without these embellishments. And we all know that women place a high value on confidence, so this is a major attraction killer. Its very counterintuitive, but one of the most important aspects of attraction is making the Woman 'work' for treats or tokens of your affection that she is most probably used to taking for granted from other Men. The more attractive the Woman, the greater this rule applies. So, instead of showering her with gifts, keep her guessing and spring something completely unexpected on her that will floor her with both your spontaneity and uniqueness. Two major attraction qualities in the eyes of any desirable Woman when looking for a Man. This doesn't have to be expensive but it does have to be original. Romantic works well if you are looking for a long term relationship, but if you just want to keep things casual, but have her begging to see you again, the more original the better. Think out of the box, and keep the girl guessing what's coming next. The reason for this is the more unique the experience that you give her, the greater you will manage to differentiate yourself from all of the other Men she has known.

2. Bragging - This is just as a bad, or maybe even worse than trying to impress a woman. I know it seems like a good idea at the time, and especially after a couple of drinks. But, believe me, bragging is the one sure-fire way to ruin your Dating Game before it even begins. The more you brag about something, the more a woman will wonder if there's even any truth to what you're bragging about. You can't attract beautiful women by telling them how attractive you are; you attract them by showing that you are confident and happy about who you are, regardless of whether they are attracted or not. The other thing with bragging is that it will only create more competition between you and other single men in the vicinity who might also be attracted to your 'target.' You see, the other problem with bragging in earshot of other men is that they will feel an inherent need too compete with you. Either with one upmanship or macho posturing, in an attempt to put you down and increase their own social status. All of the above points can be completely avoided by simply implying about your success or accomplishments subtly. The additional benefit of playing the game this way means that you will be creating a greater and increasing sense of mystery (and consequent attraction) between yourself and your Woman of interest.

3. Moving Too Fast - Okay, it's true that women want sex as much as any man, but that doesn't mean you have to "close the deal" with her as soon as possible. In fact, even if you DO want to seal the deal as soon as possible (which, lets face it - you do) you will only be able to achieve this by reaching a stage in your interactions with her where your Woman desires you to a level similar or higher than you desire her. The moment that you advertise your sexual attraction to her in a blunt and direct manner, making it totally obvious that you like her, the quicker any mystery about you vanishes, often along with her attraction to you. Take note that women approach sex very differently than you do. They often find the direct approach crude and offensive. If you want to attract beautiful women, you'll have to give her a little bit of mystery and romance. Start with a little teasing during your first few interactions and then work your way slowly up to the real deal. Of course, the essence of mastering this vital aspect of the attraction and seduction process is not easily explained in a 2000 word Article - after all, the whole site is based around these two very specific techniques. But know this, Women desire a man that is ever so slightly out of reach, independent and mysterious. They do not respond to direct approaches. To keep things simple, 'playing it cool' should always be at the forefront of your mind when interacting with an attractive Woman you desire.

4. Being Too Nice - Now, if you are a genuinely nice person, I'm sure that you will consider this aspect of your personality one of your most positive traits. In fact, if your approachable and a great listener I'm sure that Women have told you on many occasions that you are 'such as nice guy' and have many female friends. The problem with this, is once you are in the 'friends zone' it is extremely challenging to shift the Woman's perception of you from being her friend to being 'Mr I want to make hot passionate love with you right Now!'

Here's the thing: Just as women don't want men to move too fast, they also do not want their men to be too much of a nice guy. It's real easy to fall into this trap, especially at the start of a new relationship. When we first meet a Woman, it's obviously a good thing to promote pleasant aspects of your personality. In order to cultivate attraction though a careful balance must be struck between being a 'nice guy' and an independent, free thinking male who is totally clear of what he will or will not tolerate. This proves to a Woman that you are a strong man capable of making your own decisions, and she will respect you for it. Constantly try to impress her by being how you think she wants you to act and watch how quickly your once hot relationship turns back into 'just friends.' Yes, Its natural to put your best foot forward so to speak but please, to all the Men out there who are actually modifying their personality to try and give the Woman what they think she wants, then please realize you are actually sabotaging the good progress you may have already made. The reason for this is two fold. Firstly, Nice guys tend to do everything that a woman wants. The problem with this is that it makes life pretty boring after a little while. A woman is more likely to appreciate a man who refuses to do what she wants from time to time because she will view him as just being true to himself when he refuses to do something he isn't comfortable doing. This aura of' defiance may actually anger the Woman at the time, but she will consequently respect the Man more afterwards. Fascinatingly, Women will also be MORE attracted to a Man if he proves to them that he is not a puppet whose strings they can tug and pull whenever the fancy takes them.

5. Being Too Available - Similar to being too nice, being too available is major turn-off for women. When you answer the phone on the first ring every time she calls or arrive at her doorstep within the hour every time she says she needs to see you, you will seem more like a puppy than a man. This sends the message that you don't have much of a social life outside of her and will greatly diminish your value in her eyes. As with many of the other prementioned points, the secret to successful interactions is playing things cool and retaining an air of mystery. By only answering her calls sometimes, or giving her your undivided attention and focus, but cutting a phone call short with her, you will only serve to increase her attraction towards you as you raise your 'social status.' Bear in mind that Women will direct anger and frustration at some of these actions, but on a subconscious (or conscious level) they will desire you even more if you seem ever so slightly out of reach. Taking this a step further, so called 'Bad Boys' who very often are unreliable, unresponsive or unpredictable in their moods and patterns of behaviour are extremely frustrating - but undeniably attractive to Women. But, heh, that's another lesson...

By now you've probably realized which of the five mistakes discussed above you're guilty of. The next step is for you to work on avoiding these mistakes if you really want to attract beautiful women.

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Plus: Read More Free Attraction and Seduction info, such as our acclaimed series on How To Flirt With Girls

