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2011年2月15日 星期二

What women find attractive in men

Guys by surprise! Women are people too and calm and preferences ... just like men. Having said that there are some general guidelines that will help you to appeal to most women. Pay attention to these points, and then the rest is up to you.

Okay, looks like one-good clear are beautiful. Really beautiful women get attention and are desirable. But if this is the whole story, as explain all average and below average guys who end up hooked up in the relationship, s, and happily married with beautiful women? Chances are that the guys not-so-handsome you know who are successful with women have one or more of the other important qualities listed below.

Brings himself with confidence-women as a man who is good in your skin. Trust is not limited to swagger "alpha male". Women want a man with social skills; a guy who knows when to speak and listen to how and when to laugh. The relaxed body language and good eye contact are the key to giving off a vibe confident. Children of contact with eyes, with a smile, not glaring and staring

health he relationship s y-this means normal friendships and respectful with his family. Women love a man who loves and respects his family. They shy away from a man who can't tie his shoes without asking his MOM. The same goes for your friends, it's great that you know how please come and have a good time. Is a turn-off creepy if you absorb all the opinions of your pack wolf only loser friends.

An honest man with integrity ends with women of the quality of his life. In the world of social media and cultural customs relaxed there is no such thing as a secret. Spare stress you to keep your lies straight and the embarrassment of getting caught-tell the truth. If you want women who don't play, you will be well and are generally high quality women, then you must display the same quality. It's simple law of attraction stuff.

He has a plan for his life-and he will make room for her. You don't have to be rich and famous to attract women big, however you need to know where you're going in life. Men should at least think about what they want to be when they "grow". It is good if you're not at the peak of his career or ready to get married today-but at least have a plan for a day. Once you decide to pursue a woman do some seriously she knows how she fits into your plan.

Boys of the bottom line, you want to date someone like you?

Karen travels around the country to teach workshop for new entrepreneurs and executives, as well as provide individual coaching for issues of business and life. Its folder pairs in business is at available, which you can reach Karen at

