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2011年2月4日 星期五

Love to find ways of Feng Shui

What happens if someone could give you a formula to turn on your love life? A way you could realistically put your romantic intentions to work and see the fruits of your labor: a wonderful new person, enter your life. Well, Feng Shui can be your answer.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement that brings balance and harmony into our lives. According to Feng Shui theory, there are some environmental areas that affect you, and what you want to achieve in your life. They are, in descending order of importance: 1. You, Your Bed, 3. Your bedroom, Your Home, ... the list goes on until you reach 10 your universe. To help you ' Feng Shui your way to Romance ', there will be only be focusing on: you, Your Bed and bedroom.

The first rule is Add ress only your intention and desire to bring in a new soul mate. If you are not a practitioner of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to start the advice of friends or family on their way to a new life of love. Next: clutter. Objectively look at your bedroom and remove every bit of unwanted clutter. The less stuff you have on the floor and under your bed better. Boxes, magazines, newspapers, cloths, etc. must all be collected and removed, so the Chi ', or life force energy, can move freely around your bedroom. The bedroom should be able to breathe. Needs to look and feel, fresh, clean and tidy.

During clean up and clean up your bedroom, see which characteristics you want in your future partner. Our world is started by a thought. So be happy, energetic and positive while you prepare your space and think only wonderful person that enters your life soon. Then, write attributes of your new love on a piece of paper. Be very specific. Focus on the features you want in a mate, not on the surface quality, such as hair color. When you fold the paper and place it in a nice box and put it on your bedside table. Remember, where is the intention, we will report a.

Number two is very important when inviting romance in your life. Make sure you have two night tables corresponding to the sides of the bed. You must set the room as if this person is already living with her. In this way, you are making it extremely easy for them to join your world. Lights on each side of the bed of correspondence is also very important. Have a series of small or large statues depicting the romance is a wonderful and powerful visual reminder of the kind of energy that you want to surround yourself with. Are symbols of classical Feng Shui Romance: a pair of lovebirds, two dolphins, two hearts or a pair of ofMandarin ducks. Mandarin ducks form a strong attachment to their partners and are said to pine away and die, then, that are also a symbol of marital fidelity. You can also use a nice pair of candelabra with white candles, pink or red to help cultivate the romance. You get the picture, all in a couple of ' two ' is perfect for your bedroom.

The art is very important in Feng Shui. Having pictures in your bedroom that instill visions of romance are a perfect Add dding to your bedroom. Please avoid any pictures or paintings of single men or women. Are you trying to attract a mate, not remain solo. Remove all the images in the turbulent weather, individual boats or places that look lonely or in need. Make sure that everything in this room is calm and serene. If you have not already done so, take down and archive of old photographs boyfriends or girlfriends. Photos of children and other family members also are discouraged in your bedroom. Are good everywhere else in the House, but this is your inner sanctum, and you want to invite in love, not a reunification.

Color is another tool that Feng Shui uses to set the tone and mood of what you want to achieve. To attract love and romance, red or pink sheets will do the trick.

The most important element in your bedroom is your bed. Remember, this is the second entry of the most influential in your life according to Feng Shui. There are many principles of Feng Shui for placement more auspicious (favourable) of your bed. They are as follows:

The bed should not be in direct line with the path to the port. This is called "coffin" and should be avoided at all costs.
The bed should be placed as far away from the door as possible.
The bed ever must be placed under or against a window, door or cupboard. It should have a strong, solid and be securely placed against a wall.
A roof tilted or beam above the bed, or a ceiling fan will be ' cut ' in the relationship yours. You may need the help of a professional Feng Shui to remedy these situations.

The next rule of Feng Shui is demanding for most people to implement. All electric and distracting elements are removed from your bedroom. No exceptions! You want to create a tranquil atmosphere and loving that is beneficial only to sleep, and romance. Media centers are welcome anywhere else in the House. Here is the list of all items that are removed from your bedroom:

1. all the telephones, faxes, answering machines

2. Televisions, stereos and Entertainment centres

3. Shelves, piles of newspapers and magazines

4. invoices and documents

5. Computer printers

Finally, if your bed has had a good life, but is ready to retire, let him do so. As a matter of fact, a great way to jump start a report new, is to buy a new bed that does not have any negative history.

Clearing the unwanted, old entries in your bedroom, you are making room for that special someone to enter your life. Remember to do it with love in your heart.

Ellie Marshall

