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2011年5月31日 星期二

How to Get Women to Want to Talk to You - And Get Them Hooked on You For Good

Do you want to stop chasing women and have them chase you for a change? If you do, then I highly suggest you continue reading. You see, seduction is not about 'forcing' women to be attracted to you. It is about displaying the right characteristics and stepping back to let the attraction build within her. Remember that words themselves will never get women attracted to you. They are just a means to convey the correct characteristics. Read on.

How to Get Women to Want to Talk to You - And Get Them Hooked On You For Good

1. Body Language

Women have made up their mind about you BEFORE you even say hi. They use your body language to judge the type of man you are. And believe it or not, your body language DOES say a lot about who you are.

Learn the principles of seductive body language. This is vital for generating interest within women.

2. Self-Entertainment

I never realized how huge of a liability the ego was until I finally let go of it. You see, you are not going to be very successful with women if you go out to the club JUST to "pick them up". need to be going out for your own entertainment. Stop focusing on getting women and instead focus on having your own fun. This will bring the women to you. Why?

Because you ARE the party.

Get out of your head and stay fully in the moment. Learn to trust yourself and get away from analyzing every single move you make.

And Remember...

If you want to make women crazy with lust, you MUST master your body language. This will give you an unfair advantage over the MILLIONS of men who are completely CLUELESS about its power!

Research has proven that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Most times, you have RUINED your chances with a woman before you even get a chance to open your mouth!

If you really want to learn how to seduce women, then learn the Secrets of Body Language...this much I know for sure

2011年5月30日 星期一

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2011年5月29日 星期日

Keurig B-70 B70 Platinum Single-Cup Home Brewing System

Keurig B-70 B70 Platinum Single-Cup Home Brewing SystemThe Elite Brewing System is Keurig's gourmet home brewing made affordable. The Elite Brewing System, the most affordably priced Keurig kitchen brewing system, offers K-CupR coffee, tea and hot cocoa brewing as the elite choice to any drip coffee maker. The Elite offers two cup sizes for brewing options with the programmable feature of Auto Off. The 48-ounce removable water reservoir holds up to 6 cups before refilling and for the removable drip tray allows for easy cleaning and the use of travel mugs.At initial set up, once the machine is filled with water, it will take approximately 4-minutes for the water will be heated. During the heating period the red light next to 'HEATING' on the LED Control Center will become illuminated. Once the water is heated, the red light will turn off and the Small Mug Button will flash. Press the Small Mug Button to start a cleansing brew. Pour the hot water into the sink. The Brewer may take 15 seconds to reheat water between brews during which time the red light next to 'HEATING' on the LED Control Center may be illuminated. When the water has heated, the red light will turn off. The one-time set-up process is now complete and you are ready to brew!

Price: $229.99

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2011年5月28日 星期六

How to Get Women to Notice YOU - Make HER Attracted to You

Knowing how to get women to notice you is something that most guys are never taught. So, most men will kind of take a shot in the dark and hope that they can create attraction with a woman that they like. And it hardly ever works out that way. How can you make a woman attracted to you?

How do you get women to notice YOU?

Well, you can take the advice of many so called seduction "experts" and turn into a peacock. That means wearing bright and flashy colors and outfits that make EVERYONE notice you. Only thing with that is, it looks kind of ridiculous once you get past a certain age, like 21.

Or you can learn how to do the subtle things that make women spot you from a mile away.

Things like using your body language to attract female attention. Or being the kind of guy that women just naturally gravitate towards. These are much better options for most men, as I don't know about you, but I'm not wearing NOTHING that makes me look like a Prince knock off just to get attention.

The key on learning how to get women to notice you, is understanding what women want and what creates that little feeling that makes her attracted to you.

If you have a real understanding of this, then you don't NEED to use all of those gimmicks. And you will have a much better success rate with QUALITY women as well.

Knowing how to get women to feel attracted to you and how to get women to notice you is something that you must learn IF you want to make her feel attracted to you.

Want to know more?

Create Attraction With Women Learn How To Attract Women.

Copyright ? 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

You can re-publish this article ONLY if you keep the entire article and resource box intact with the Author name as well.

All links in article and resource box MUST be kept active and usable.

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2011年5月27日 星期五

Personality is the Key in Attracting Women - Three Key Tips in Using Personality to Get Women

Have you ever heard a girl described as, "having personality" and chuckled, because you knew that meant she was ugly. Well this proves how shallow men can be. For a woman, having personality actually is an attractive feature all by itself and something that is worthy of praise and can make you worth to attract and seduce women. There is nothing wrong with a man having a strong and forceful personality, in fact it is encouraged and perhaps even a necessity. If you wish to find out some ways you can use (or develop) your personality to attract women, read on...

Being interesting is key in attracting women

Do not tell boring dull stories. Spice thing up. You do not need to lie, but learn to make your stories a little interesting. Brevity is the soul of wit to. If your tale take 3 minutes to tell, find a way to make it 1.5 minutes with the same punch. When you drone on you lose people. You need to be quick and to the point to keep their interest.

To attract women do not try to attract women

Perhaps I would say this better with, " not be seen trying too hard to seduce women". This is one of the key tips in using personality to get women. You are of course going to try very hard to impress her. The key point is that you must do everything to seem like you do not care about impressing her. Being confident and funny around her are great, but you need to remain and challenge to her. Once she knows she has you locked in and pursuing her, it is easy for her to lose attraction to you.

Since personality is the key in attracting women develop an interesting personality

Learn the things that attract women. Click Here! for a guide that will show you the things that attract women. Once you know everything that attracts women in general, develop a specific personality that fits you that also will interest women. Use your strengths if you are funny, be the "funny" guy. If you are confident, be a little cocky and brash. It is up to you, you need to incorporate all the personality traits that attract women but you can highlight the ones that best fit you, making you an individual and more attractive.

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2011年5月26日 星期四

Numi Organic Tea Flowering Gift Set in Handcrafted Mahogany Bamboo Chest: Glass Teapot & 6 Flowering Tea Blossoms

Numi Organic Tea Flowering Gift Set in Handcrafted Mahogany Bamboo Chest: Glass Teapot & 6 Flowering Tea BlossomsPackaged in an exotic hand-made dark mahogany bamboo case, this Flowering Gift Set holds a bin of Numi's Bouquet Flowering Tea that is filled with bouquets of tea leaves and Numi's Teahouse glass teapot (420 ml.) through which to observe the blooming tea petals. A simple luxury that heightens the tea experience and makes for a singular conversation piece, this reusable case will have a long-lasting impression on a friend or loved one NOTE: The included teapot does not come with a strainer

Price: $42.64

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月25日 星期三

Advanced Asian - Dating Mastery Guide for Asian Men

Promote the best Asian dating mastery guide for Asian men. Features 3 e-books with amazing information regarding seduction and dating, specifically catered towards Asian men.

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K-Y Sensual Silk Personal Lubricant, 4.5-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 2)

K-Y Sensual Silk Personal Lubricant, 4.5-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 2)Enhance the pleasure of intimacy with K-Y Sensual Silk. The luxuriously light, long lasting formula feels irresistibly soft and sexy on your skin. Compatible with latex condoms, this seductively silky, smooth personal lubricant is made in Canada.

Price: $28.66

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2011年5月24日 星期二

2011年5月23日 星期一

How to Get Women to Want You - 3 Tips to Creating Attraction With a Woman

From the time you were just a teenager, you have probably been intrigued with the idea of being able to make women want you. For most guys, all this ever is is just a wish, as they never key in on what will actually get women to want them. Yet, there are some guys that seem to be able to break through that wall and discover what it takes to make a woman want them. If you want to be one of those lucky guys that seems to be a smashing success with women, then pay attention.

To attract women, you have to be able to position yourself a certain way. You need to be able to stand out, or else you are going to get passed over very easily.

Here are some tips on how to get women to want you and create attraction with a woman:

1. To make her want you, you have to know when to make the move.

If your timing is off, then you are not going to get the same response from a woman that you would if you were right on the money. Sometimes, all it takes is just a slight difference in your timing to get a massively different response from a woman. See, a lot of guys either rush in too fast and try too hard to make a woman like them, OR, they end up holding back for too long and then they end up stuck in the friend zone, unable to get out and that is where they will stay.

2. To create attraction with a woman, she has to feel better when she is around YOU.

The most powerful attraction that you can have with a woman, is when she almost needs to be around you like a drug she is addicted to. See, when you know how to elevate a woman's emotions, so that you are the guy she can feel really good when she is around him, then she will have to respond with attraction. And then, you won't have to be the one that is always making the move, she will start to make the moves on YOU.

3. If you want to get women to want you, you have to walk like an alpha male.

Women can sense when they are in the presence of a true alpha male, and when they are, they are immediately attracted to him on some level. From there, you can easily turn it up a notch and make her feel like she just cannot resist you. Don't think that you have to change who you are completely to be seen as an alpha male. All you have to do is to learn how to hold yourself like an alpha male and women WILL be attracted to YOU.


Discover how to get women to see YOU as the alpha male and you will be able to attract more women that you know what to do with...

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Seduce Beautiful Women...

Copyright ? 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

Apple iPad 10W USB Power Charger Adapter for iPad with data dock cable A1357 + MA591G

Apple iPad 10W USB Power Charger Adapter for iPad with data dock cable A1357 + MA591GThis Apple USB Power Adapter is a compact power adapter offering fast, efficient charging at home, in the office, or on the go. Its universal design means that it works around the world, with the help of the Apple World Travel Adapter Kit (sold separately).

Use this compact, convenient USB-based adapter to charge your iPod at home, on the road, or whenever it's not connected to a computer.

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2011年5月22日 星期日

How to Get Women Fast

Knowing how to get women is a fantastic thing, I've gone ahead and provided some dating tips that will help you experience much more success with women. But first I'd like to quickly talk to you about what really attracts women.

It is believed that, psychologically, women are attracted to high status men. This really dates back to when we were living in caves and things like protection and being provided for were key for a woman's survival. Hence, high status Alpha Males were what women wanted and needed.

This may seem irrelevant in this day and age, what with government benefits and all the protection provided for us (at least in the Western world). But on a subconscious level this still plays the most important role for attraction.

By understanding that this is what will help you get women, you should now realize that to attract a woman you will need to demonstrate higher value (DHV). When you are seen as higher value as a woman, she will tend to become attracted to you.

There are a number of ways for doing this. But the best way is for her to see it for herself. For instance, women usually like dominant confident men. And if a woman perceives you to have this quality, then it will stick. And therefore make you more attractive in her eye's.

So what other traits will help you get women?

1. By getting girls to laugh and have a fantastic time with you, they'll begin to associate the fun time with You!

2. A confident attitude towards life. Confidence indicates that you are successful and are to be trusted.

3. Being unique and original is loved by women. Stand out of the crowd and reap the rewards. So be spontaneous and different!

There are a whole bunch of these (there's more on my blog) which will help you to know the kind of characteristics that will get women to like you.

Now check this out - You can go to my blog which provides dating tips on how to get women. It covers many aspects of the dating game, from how to approach women, talking to girls and even how to conquer your Inner Game.

2011年5月21日 星期六

Harajuku Lovers Women's Yipee Ankle-Strap Sandal

Harajuku Lovers Women's Yipee Ankle-Strap SandalYour entire outfit will say Yipee when you grace your foot with Harajuku Lovers’ sandal. The two-piece rubber upper with daring cutouts is made sweeter by the girly bow that decorates the shoe’s open toe. The adjustable ankle strap and wedge heel make this sandal easy to wear through the warm-weather months.

Price: $35.00

Click here to buy from Amazon