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2011年5月27日 星期五

Personality is the Key in Attracting Women - Three Key Tips in Using Personality to Get Women

Have you ever heard a girl described as, "having personality" and chuckled, because you knew that meant she was ugly. Well this proves how shallow men can be. For a woman, having personality actually is an attractive feature all by itself and something that is worthy of praise and can make you worth to attract and seduce women. There is nothing wrong with a man having a strong and forceful personality, in fact it is encouraged and perhaps even a necessity. If you wish to find out some ways you can use (or develop) your personality to attract women, read on...

Being interesting is key in attracting women

Do not tell boring dull stories. Spice thing up. You do not need to lie, but learn to make your stories a little interesting. Brevity is the soul of wit to. If your tale take 3 minutes to tell, find a way to make it 1.5 minutes with the same punch. When you drone on you lose people. You need to be quick and to the point to keep their interest.

To attract women do not try to attract women

Perhaps I would say this better with, " not be seen trying too hard to seduce women". This is one of the key tips in using personality to get women. You are of course going to try very hard to impress her. The key point is that you must do everything to seem like you do not care about impressing her. Being confident and funny around her are great, but you need to remain and challenge to her. Once she knows she has you locked in and pursuing her, it is easy for her to lose attraction to you.

Since personality is the key in attracting women develop an interesting personality

Learn the things that attract women. Click Here! for a guide that will show you the things that attract women. Once you know everything that attracts women in general, develop a specific personality that fits you that also will interest women. Use your strengths if you are funny, be the "funny" guy. If you are confident, be a little cocky and brash. It is up to you, you need to incorporate all the personality traits that attract women but you can highlight the ones that best fit you, making you an individual and more attractive.

