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2011年5月28日 星期六

How to Get Women to Notice YOU - Make HER Attracted to You

Knowing how to get women to notice you is something that most guys are never taught. So, most men will kind of take a shot in the dark and hope that they can create attraction with a woman that they like. And it hardly ever works out that way. How can you make a woman attracted to you?

How do you get women to notice YOU?

Well, you can take the advice of many so called seduction "experts" and turn into a peacock. That means wearing bright and flashy colors and outfits that make EVERYONE notice you. Only thing with that is, it looks kind of ridiculous once you get past a certain age, like 21.

Or you can learn how to do the subtle things that make women spot you from a mile away.

Things like using your body language to attract female attention. Or being the kind of guy that women just naturally gravitate towards. These are much better options for most men, as I don't know about you, but I'm not wearing NOTHING that makes me look like a Prince knock off just to get attention.

The key on learning how to get women to notice you, is understanding what women want and what creates that little feeling that makes her attracted to you.

If you have a real understanding of this, then you don't NEED to use all of those gimmicks. And you will have a much better success rate with QUALITY women as well.

Knowing how to get women to feel attracted to you and how to get women to notice you is something that you must learn IF you want to make her feel attracted to you.

Want to know more?

Create Attraction With Women Learn How To Attract Women.

Copyright ? 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

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