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2011年5月23日 星期一

How to Get Women to Want You - 3 Tips to Creating Attraction With a Woman

From the time you were just a teenager, you have probably been intrigued with the idea of being able to make women want you. For most guys, all this ever is is just a wish, as they never key in on what will actually get women to want them. Yet, there are some guys that seem to be able to break through that wall and discover what it takes to make a woman want them. If you want to be one of those lucky guys that seems to be a smashing success with women, then pay attention.

To attract women, you have to be able to position yourself a certain way. You need to be able to stand out, or else you are going to get passed over very easily.

Here are some tips on how to get women to want you and create attraction with a woman:

1. To make her want you, you have to know when to make the move.

If your timing is off, then you are not going to get the same response from a woman that you would if you were right on the money. Sometimes, all it takes is just a slight difference in your timing to get a massively different response from a woman. See, a lot of guys either rush in too fast and try too hard to make a woman like them, OR, they end up holding back for too long and then they end up stuck in the friend zone, unable to get out and that is where they will stay.

2. To create attraction with a woman, she has to feel better when she is around YOU.

The most powerful attraction that you can have with a woman, is when she almost needs to be around you like a drug she is addicted to. See, when you know how to elevate a woman's emotions, so that you are the guy she can feel really good when she is around him, then she will have to respond with attraction. And then, you won't have to be the one that is always making the move, she will start to make the moves on YOU.

3. If you want to get women to want you, you have to walk like an alpha male.

Women can sense when they are in the presence of a true alpha male, and when they are, they are immediately attracted to him on some level. From there, you can easily turn it up a notch and make her feel like she just cannot resist you. Don't think that you have to change who you are completely to be seen as an alpha male. All you have to do is to learn how to hold yourself like an alpha male and women WILL be attracted to YOU.


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