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2011年6月23日 星期四

How to Get Women - Impress Women

There are so many ways to get women that most men don't even know about. Many men, like a lot of people, have a very false sense of security and a bad case of rejection fever when it comes to women. The key to how to get women to be interested in you has a lot to do with what I like to call the APES checklist: Appearance/hygiene, Personality, Elegance, and security.


What you look like obviously has a big deal on whether or not you'll impress a woman, but it is by no means the deal breaker. Hygiene can play a critical role in determining what type of man your really are. Make sure you have clean teeth, or a breath mint handy, every time you approach a woman. A good rule of thumb is to, believe it or not, lick the back side of your hand and then smell it. I know it sounds nasty but try this one sometime, because it will really give you a idea of what your breath really smells like. Some other important aspects of appearance include getting to the gym regularly (also a great place to get women), frequent hair cuts, a nice inexpensive bottle of after shave, and a style that is different from everyone else.


This is a really big one, because a guy without a personality is likely to get the boot before he even makes an entrance. Now this is a hard judge because not everyone is the same. You may be the type of person that is an introvert and there is nothing wrong with that. You just have to realize that the personality that you give off will determine the type of women your going to get. What you say and do need to be in synch with each other, otherwise you'll just be like anyone else. A big part of your personality should reflect the type of person your going to be in two months, not just the guy your trying to be right now.


Opening doors, saying please and thank you at dinner, and walking an old lady across the street can go a long way in showing women that your a true man. Don't laugh, its worked wonders for a lot of guys.


Be secure in your own manhood, and don't copy off of your friends. I see so many friends out at bars and clubs that have the same hair do, dress in basically the same clothes, wearing the same cheap cologne, and drinking the same beers. Avoid all that by asking your friends what there wearing out, try a new cologne, even wear a something different than everyone else is. I once wore a sharks tooth necklace out all the time and would get so many women asking me where I got it from. Other guys thought I looked stupid wearing the thing, but I would end up with 3 girls numbers in my pocket and they would be talking to the mirror at the end of the night. The point is, be secure in your own way, and you'll end up getting a lot more women than you could imagine.

Want to find other ways to meet and attract women []? Check out our free information on how to impress women []

Rob Vrabel is an expert EzineArticles author.

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2011年6月22日 星期三

Wag More Bark Less Bumper Sticker

Wag More Bark Less Bumper StickerSPREAD THE WORD! Hey, don't you think that "Wag More, Bark Less" is something that we all should practice a little more? (and we don't just mean the dogs, either!).

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Top Tips on How to Get Women

Dress well whenever you leave your home. In order to attract women, you must first appear attractive. This does not mean that you have to be the best looking man alive. But it does mean that you should take time to groom yourself, and look your best every day. You do not necessarily have to wear the latest, most fashionable clothes. Most women are impressed with a man that simply looks clean and neat.

Try a crisp, white dress shirt, tucked into a nice pair of jeans with a nice belt. With a fresh shave and a hair cut, this simple look can go a long way. Shoes are also important. It is not necessary to spend a fortune on your shoes, but dust them off every now and then for a more polished look.

Be yourself. Women can spot a fake guy from a mile away. Be comfortable with who you are, and work your strongest points. You may have a great personality. If so, use it when you talk to women. You may have a great head of hair. Keep it clean and shiny and women will love it. If you have a sense of humor, that can come in handy if used sparingly. If you are well travelled, well read, or well informed on the latest gadgets, use your knowledge and experience to add interest to your personal brand.

To get women, you should make your initial contact very subtle. When you meet women, never come on to them too strongly. Since you are a complete stranger to them, it is very easy for women to become annoyed or turned off by the wrong approach. Say a few brief words to test the waters. If she responds, say a few more words. Do not give women too much of yourself too soon. If you can strike up a conversation that leads to a date, or you are able to exchange phone numbers, then the conversation is finished. Do not go any further. Give her something to wonder about until she can see you again.

If you would like to find out more, please visit

2011年6月21日 星期二

Harajuku Lovers Women's Kasi Platform Espadrille

Harajuku Lovers Women's Kasi Platform EspadrilleA fabulous twist on the oh-so-hot platform sandal, the Kasi Espadrille is all about getting attention. Twisted straps add nice heft to this sexy shoe, whose figure-enhancing properties will be well appreciated.


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Seven Vital Things You Must Do Before Dating After Divorce

In this refreshing new guide, divorced men and women of all ages are shown how, with the right tips and tricks, they can discover that special person. If you want to date again but feel intimidated or overwhelmed then this must have guide is for you.

Check it out!

2011年6月20日 星期一

How to Get Women Without A Lot of Effort - 3 Tips to Help You Attract Women Easily

Most guys end up putting in way too much effort trying to attract women and they really don't have to. What they really do is they put a lot of effort into doing the things that they think will help them to attract women, but really are not all that effective. If you know what really works to attract a woman, it can end up seeming to be a lot easier than you ever thought. You will have a focus on what to do that most men do not, and all of a sudden, dating will seem like a piece of cake for you.

Here's how to get women without all of the effort and make it seem easy:

1. Always make sure that you look your best when you leave the house.

This is a really simple and basic tip, but you know what? Most guys only pay attention to their appearance when they are going to a bar or a club and there are so many day to day situations where you can attract women that you should look your best whenever you leave the house. You don't have to become a male prima donna or anything like that, just put some effort before you step out the door.

2. Make eye contact with women, just don't make it seem like you are that creepy guy staring at her.

The more times that you make eye contact with women when you are out and about, the more times you are going to end up at least having a conversation with an attractive woman. When you are out some place like the mall or any spot where there are a lot of women, make some eye contact. You would be amazed at how easy it is to just get talking and flirting when you start to do this. The only thing that you have to watch for is that you don't stare at her like some creep that she wants to avoid.

3. Your body language should do most of the talking.

Actual verbal communication (words) only makes up a very small percentage of the communication between people. Body language does way more than the words that you choose and you want to make sure that your body language is saying the right things and doing most of the talking. Project an open attitude and confidence and you will see that more and more women seem to be paying attention to YOU.

Want to get more advanced tips on how to get women as if it was EASY?

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Date Beautiful Women...

Copyright ? 2011 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

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2011年6月19日 星期日

How to Get Women - 3 Tips to Get More Women to Notice You, Want to Date You, and Fall for You

If you are like most guys, then most of the time you feel like anything BUT a stud when it comes to attracting women. Sometimes it can be kind of amazing when you think about how much time guys spend trying to figure out how to get women, and yet, most guys end up hoping that they somehow meet the right one and don't have to spend the rest of their life trying to figure out what to do on the weekend. Can there really be an easier way or is this just what you have to go through?

Of course it can be easier. After all, I'm sure there are times in your life when it seemed a lot easier than others, and you can also take a look around and see that some guys just seem to have no trouble at all getting women to want to date them. So, why can't it be you that has that kind of effect on a woman.

Here's how to get women to notice you, want to date you, and end up falling for you:

1) Women notice men that do not seem to have a lot of insecurities around them.

I should actually qualify that statement a little, because you can probably get some attention just by being insecure around a woman, but it's not going to be the kind of attention that you want to get. Fact is, if you want to get positive attention from women, if you want them to notice you, then you cannot show many insecurities. You need to project confidence, the kind of confidence that makes her stop and look twice at you.

2) Women want to date guys that have a life of their own.

Most women do not want to find that guy that after one date is going to call them all of the time and end up making her out to be his entire life. That's the kind of thing that turns most women off and makes you look really needy which is not a good thing. Instead, you want to show her that you have your own life, and that you are not going to end up being that guy that just has to be around her all of the time.

3) Women fall for men that make them feel the right emotions.

Make her feel the right way when she is around you, and it does not matter how much or how little money you make, whether or not you have the big arms and the chiseled six pack, or anything else. Make her feel like when she is with you, life gets a little more fun and a little more exciting and she will end up falling for YOU.

Want to get more advanced techniques and tips on how to get women to want YOU?

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Date Beautiful Women...

Copyright ? 2010 Chris G. Tyler All Rights Reserved.

2011年6月18日 星期六

How to Get Women Desperate and Excited to Meet You

If you want to succeed at the dating game, you really need to learn how to set the right "vibe" about yourself. If you want to learn how to get women desperate and excited to meet you, then you will really want to read this. Here is how to give yourself a type of "rockstar" persona.

How to Get Women Desperate and Excited to Meet You

1. Arrive with Women

The easiest way to become a valued commodity among women is to ALREADY have women with you. You should focus on creating a solid network of beautiful women who are just friends. Going out with them to clubs will build social proof for yourself with the women there.

They will see that you already have some value to offer since other beautiful women are already with you.

2. Slow Movements

Slow down your movements. Make everything seem methodical to you. Slower movements convey high status to a woman. In other words, you are not looking like you are trying to "hurry" anything along.

This actually makes you LOOK like the party rather than like you are trying to hurry to get to the party.

3. BECOME High Status

A lot of "seduction gurus" never mention this because they know most guys are only looking for quick fixes. The best way to inspire interest within women is to actually become a high status man. And how do you become one?

Set lofty goal for yourself and work towards accomplishing them. Ambition is very sexy. Not only will women be interested in meeting you... they will want to be PART of your magnificent vision.

And remember...if you want to make women crazy with lust, you MUST master your body language. This will give you an unfair advantage over the MILLIONS of men who are completely CLUELESS about its power!

Research has proven that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Most times, you have RUINED your chances with a woman before you even get a chance to open your mouth!

If you really want to learn how to seduce women, then learn the Secrets of Body Language ... this much I know for sure

2011年6月17日 星期五

Dating Guide

Dating Guide - Learn To Spot The Warning Signs Of A Breakup, Learn What To Do And What Not To Do plus How to deal with Loneliness, which Personality Quadrant you fall into plus Online Dating Secrets. See

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How to Get Women Attracted to You - 10 Tips Guy Must Know to Get Women Attracted to You

Having the right looks or money will not guarantee that you will get the woman that you want. There are some tips on how to get women to get interested in you. These tips include:

Be well behaved

If you have been trying to figure out how to get women to like you, this is the first step. Most men are ignorant rude, ignorant and really have no idea about how to present themselves in public. Women usually tend to avoid men who will end up embarrassing them.

Gain some confidence

Women find it hard to resist a man that is confident, comfortable, at ease and in control in any type of situation. This is one of the traits women look for in a potential partner.

Give them attention

This is one of the easiest ways to get women attracted to you. They usually enjoy it when they are made to feel important.

Practice good grooming

It is important to look clean and use a good scent.


If you do not listen to the woman you are interested in, you will never know how to get women.

Charm her

You have to learn how to relax and be flirtatious without coming across as flirtatious.

Do not act desperate

Never seem like you are desperate for attention by always trying to be around the woman that you are interested in.

Have a sense of humor

A good sense of humor is likely to attract women even more than good looks.

Show her you care

To attract a woman you need to show her the same affection that a partner would provide.

Be social

The last tip you need on how to get women is that you have to appear as a social person who can easily interact with her friends.

Learn how to Get Women to Like You. How to Get Women Attracted to You with Tiffany Taylor Guy Gets Girl e book. For more information visit

2011年6月16日 星期四

2011年6月15日 星期三

Dating Women - Use Proven Techniques To Get Women

When out and playing the game of seduction and you're looking and comparing women and you would like to hook-up with one, something happens. Thousands of men experience this phenomenon while playing the game.

You're with friends in a bar and you have your eye on a woman and you're trying to make a connection with her, smiles are traded but the playful gestures are not returned. It seems like she is playing hard to get, but her friends seem to be friendly and flirty.

Get Women Dilemma

It has nothing to do with being her type or that these things happen, there is a reason why the woman that you are interested in seems not to have an interest in you. It all has to do with social standing and psychology. This is what takes place when you are interested in a good looking woman. She is with her friends and when you shows interest you accidentally raise her ego level and her sense of worth.

She senses and feels that you have chosen and are interested in her and the feeling is that of elevated importance. She does realize one important fact; if she is flirty and playful with you her social value will be lost over her friends. For this reason she pretends to be beyond your reach with the attitude of I'm too good for you.

Attract Women Using Deflection Theory

The problem of getting women can be taken care of by using a technique called the deflection theory. By using reverse psychology on the woman you are targeting by redirecting (deflecting) your interests onto her friends. Her friends have lower self worth and when placing attention on them the target woman's ego is challenged. Once the ego is engaged she will need to regain her power and superiority in the group of friends. She will subconsciously take an interest in you by acting playful and flirty. As with anyone, you always want what you can't have.

Deflection Theory In Action

Here is the first set of techniques when using the deflection theory to get women.

1. Talk with the other women and make strong eye contact. When talking to the woman you are targeting every once in a while glimpse at one of the other woman and smile, then turn back to the woman you are targeting.

2. Every once in a while touch one of her friends on the shoulder, side of the arm when telling a joke or trying to make them laugh.

3. Always have your body facing her friends slightly more than the woman you are targeting.

This experience will allow you to use the system in ways that other men would never understand. The ego is always engaged when picking up women and when using this deflection theory this technique plays a psychological game which will maximize your success with women.

Click here to get the complete set of techniques that will allow you to get any woman.

2011年6月14日 星期二

The Famous Drinking Bird

The Famous Drinking BirdDrinking Bird. A rather dumb looking 6" bird with a felt covered head and has plastic feet. Worse, he cannot get his fill of water. You buy the drinks. Fluid inside condenses from the evaporative cooling of the water off the bird's beak, making it top heavy and dunking it back into the water. The condensate rejoins the liquid pool in the bird's bulb, and he tips up again. Process continues indefinitely. It works, but it's not any more than moderately well made, and not any more than moderately priced. WARNING! The fluid and dye inside the bird can permanently stain, and the bird's glass body can easily be broken. Children are fascinated by the bobbing bird, and the educational possibilities are great. But they should watch it, not fondle it!!


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What Women Want in Bed - Ways to Get Women Off

Do you think you know what women want in bed. Ask most guys if they know the ways to get a woman off and they think they do. From someone with no experience to a guy who has only been with one woman for twenty years, every guy will claim knowledge. It is something that men do not want to admit not knowing about. Unfortunately it is not all about sexual technique, although that is a part of it. Knowing what women want in bed and utilizing all of the techniques can give many women an orgasm before penetration.

Take the lead

What women want in bed is a confident man. The want it from the time they meet up until the consummation of a sexual relationship. Be confident and take the lead sexually. You are a man, act like one and please you lady.

Take your time

There is no need to rush things. If you want to really make a woman happy the opposite is true, take your time and make her truly enjoy it If you race to the end and then roll over to watch the end of, "Survivor" you are doing her no favors when it comes to satisfaction.

Foreplay: One of the important things women want in bed

For ways to get a woman off foreplay is a must. What women want in bed is lots of foreplay and teasing. Start at her toes and work your ways up slowly nibbling suckling and teasing her. Again, Take your time.

Dirty Talk

Keep a conversation going. Talk dirty. Spice it up. Call her a "bad girl". Play this one by ear. If the girl seems really excited go for more; if she doesn't keep it at a minimum.

Romance her

Knowing what women want in bed is not all action and dirty talk. Maybe even before you start make sure that you romance her. Candlelit dinner, rose-pedals on the bet. Make her feel like the center of the universe. Some of it may seem corny but these things really help to get women off.

Sexual intimacy is a big thing women want in bed

Intercourse is a close act. You literally cannot get any closer. Make sure that this is not just a physical thing. Talk to her. Some of it can be dirty talk, but also let her know you care and ask leading questions were she can let you know what she, "wants in bed" both before, during and after the act.

Further training

This has just been a pretty basic guide. With it you can turn a 3 star performance into a 7 star performance. No matter what, unless you are already using these methods it will improve your results. To learn more methods, as well as many ways to get the Women in Bed in the first place, check out The Attraction Master.

2011年6月13日 星期一

Sex Is Not a Barter Economy - 4 Things You Need to Know to Get Women to Want to Sleep With You

Sex with women is not a barter economy. Well, it can be, but that is called prostitution. If you want success with women, you treating them like a prostitute is one sure way NOT to get any. The secret is that many women want sex too, often just as much as you do. You cannot buy your way into it, though. Getting her drinks, taking her out on the town, even buying her a fancy diamond necklace is not going get her into your bed. Read on to learn that things that will get women to want to sleep with you.

1. Make sure she enjoys her time with you and has fun. Be positive be energetic and make her laugh.

2. Put her needs first. You are a man, so "man up". If you treat her nicely she will do the same for you. Put a premium on her emotions and needs and you will be paid back in the long run.

3. Trying to have sex for the first time you should want it to be memorable for her. All women want to feel special and loved. Make sure she feels that when you are trying to get further in the physical relationship with her.

4. Keep it fresh and exciting. This is both for your relationship and for sex. Try new things. Visit new places. Do the things she wants to do sometimes, but stay in charge.

5. Above all, do not treat her like a "piece of meat" remember that, "money can bring you happiness, but money can't buy you love"

If you follow these clues about treating a woman the "right" way you will have no problem with the physical part, it will come. The real "challenge" is to treat her right and special but not to be her puppet or 'toy' you want strike a balance, maintain that control but give her what she needs.

To learn more about ways to attract and seduce women please visit the Attraction Master to discover 50 easy ways that you can seduce and attract women. Once you learn the simple techniques you will be greatly improved in your ability to attract women. Do not miss out.

2011年6月12日 星期日

Harajuku Lovers Sweetie Crossbody

Harajuku Lovers Sweetie CrossbodySize about 10 inch x 10 inch X 2 inch with max 26 inch drop. Strap is adjustable. Outside -- 1 pocket with velcro closure. Inside -- one zipper compartment and one open compartment. Waterproof lining.

Price: $0.00

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2011年6月11日 星期六

How to Get Her to Notice You - Tips for Getting Women's Attention

Women are attracted by so many different things when it comes to men. The majority of these things are simply ignored by most men and even if they know them, it will be nearly impossible for them to do.

This is the reason why you need to work on other aspects of attraction that will get women's attention fast.

The first thing that you have to do is related to your clothing habits.

So many men think that because they've bought this really expensive jeans and that great shirt that women will throw themselves at them.

In reality, women have totally different tastes when it comes to dressing styles for men.

Women take into considerations a combination of details and accessories when it comes to the way you dress.

For example, they will look at your belt whether it matches your socks or not.

Your shirt's color and motifs and the pants you are wearing....

To escape all this hassle, I've got a genius trick I apply all the time:

I only wear combinations of cloths and styles approved of by beautiful women.

I don't risk missing something important this way, I only dress according to their point of view and their tastes.

Don't be stubborn and keep looking for your clothes alone or with your buddies. Take a gorgeous woman with you and let her choose for you.

You can ask girls at shops to help you.

The second thing that you are going to do is peacock

By peacocking, I don't mean wearing ripped jeans and high hells red boots...

What I mean is wearing something attractive and unusual.

Like a big attractive watch, or other eye appealing accessories.

This will get women to be interested in the things you are wearing and would even allow them to approach you and ask you question about them.

This is a sure way to get their attention fast.

The third tip is concerned with your body language.

So many men think very low of themselves and are flooded with issues and problems.

They will keep thinking about it all the time.

The result is that it will have a terrible effect on their body language, especially the way they stand and walk.

They will bend slightly over and lean on people while interacting with them.

They will walk rapidly and taking as little space as possible.

All this will send a clear message to most women.

You are not comfortable with yourself and you have a very low self-esteem, not attractive for women at all.

Always hold yourself up, whenever you feel down, notice yourself and get things into order again.

Click Here Now to get free advice and step-by-step guids on how to date and attract women

Understanding Attraction - The Key to Getting Women

If you want women learn to attract them

Attraction is the primary need to get women. The initial thing you have to do is learn about attraction. It is vital that you learn everything there is to know about attraction because without it you will have no chance at all. Guys for the most part go for women that they are attracted to physically. Women on the other hand go for men they are attracted to on a mental level. So if you learn the way to spark that mental interest you will be well on the way to attracting the women that you desire. Remember this if you want to have women be attracted to you, the first thing you need to do is take steps to be attractive to them.

Attraction is the primary important fact in getting women

This is great for us guys. Of course spending 5 hours a day at the gym to have washboard abs can never hurt. Looks matter to a point, but if you spend those same five hours every single day working on your personality, you presentation and your charm with women, you will easily beat the gym guy. That is not to say that shape isn't a factor. Being presentable is important. 50 extra pounds is not attractive to women. But 10-15 extra pounds really will not matter in the long run. To attract her you need to work on the following personality traits: confidence, self-assurance, humor, charisma, communication, flirting and complete understanding of body language. If you can improve on that list, and learn a few "tricks" along the way you will be well on your way to getting women.

Since attraction is such an essential part of getting women, I hope that you would check this out: The Attraction Master. It will show you detailed hints and examples from every single one of the important personality traits: confidence, self-assurance, humor, charisma, communication, flirting and complete understanding of body language. Understanding attraction is not nearly as difficult as men often think.

2011年6月9日 星期四

How to Get Women to Answer Their Phones When You Call

The goal of emailing women on dating sites it to get their phone numbers, which can then lead to meeting in the real world.

In this article you'll learn what to do once you get a woman's number, and how to transition from emailing to talking on the phone.

Why Women Don't Answer Their Phones After Giving You Their Number

Many women will give you their phone number and then never pick up when you call.

A woman that doesn't answer your calls or return your messages makes absolutely no sense. After all, if she's not interested, why would she have given you her number in the first place?

The explanation comes down to attraction. If you can attract a woman, she will likely give you her phone number. However, attraction is a fleeting emotion.

A woman might be momentarily attracted to you, say from a funny email you sent her, and give you her number, but then a few days later when you call her she doesn't answer because those feelings of attraction are gone.

So what do you do then? How do you get a woman to answer her phone when you call or return your messages?

Well, first we have to go back a little bit.

Attraction Starts Before You Call A Woman

If a woman was guilted into giving you her number or just being polite, of course she's not going to answer when you call.

Make sure you're getting women's numbers because they are attracted to you, not because they are being polite. That is the first step to getting a woman to answer her phone when you call.

So let's say you have attracted a woman and she has given you her number. What then?

Well, you can just call her, but the problem with that is only a small percentage of women will actually answer their phone.

One reason women don't answer their phones is because they don't recognize your number.

If a woman doesn't answer her phone, you'll have to leave a message. You'll then have to wait for her to call you back, if she ever does.

Some guys have realized leaving messages on women's voicemail doesn't work very well, so they get smart and text her.

Setting up a date through text can be done and I have done it, however, doing that prevents you from attracting her over the phone, which is very powerful.

Setting up dates through text also eliminates the chance you have to qualify a woman to make sure she'll be fun once you meet up with her. It's much better to find out if a woman is a dud on the phone before you take the time to meet up with her.

Going out with women who have nothing to say, who are boring, who are negative, or who you have no chemistry with is a waste of time. And you can't find out any of that information through text, but you can over the phone.

I have disqualified a lot of women over the phone and thereby saved my time for other women. I've learned this by making the mistake of meeting up with women who were duds on the phone and then were duds in person too.

My rule of thumb is if you have no chemistry or don't have fun with a woman on the phone, there is no point in meeting up with her in person. I'm sure there are exceptions, but this rule will save you a lot of wasted time with women who suck in person.

So now you know why talking to a woman on the phone is important, but how do you get her to pick up her phone?

How To Get A Woman To Program Your Number Into Her Phone Before You Call

How do you get around the problem of a woman not recognizing your number?

You get her to program your number into her phone before you call her. This greatly increases the chances a woman will actually answer her phone when you call.

I'm going to give you a text message in just moment that will persuade most women to program your number into their phone, but first there are a couple things to keep in mind.

You'll want to call a woman on the same day you text her this message. And you want to have a few hours between the time you text her and then call her.

So if a woman gives her number in the evening or at night, you'll probably want to wait until the next day to text her.

If a woman emails you her number early in the day you can text her and then call her that same night.

Here's the text message:

Hi. Just wanted to give you my number too. - Brandon

(Obviously you'll want to leave your name instead of mine.)

Very simple, but very powerful.

This text does several things very effectively.

First, it makes it seem like she asked for your number and you were just being polite by giving it to her. This is powerful because it gives value to your number.

Second, there is a subtle suggestion that she should program her number into her phone. So rather than seeing a number she doesn't recognize, she'll see your name when you call.

Third, it prepares her for your call. She'll assume the next thing you're going to do is call her.

Most women will text back something like, "Thanks, how are you doing?" or "Hey! What are you up to?" I'll usually text back something like, "Just working. I'll call you tonight."

I keep it brief when I text a woman back because I don't want to have a conversation through text. It's very easy to lose momentum when a woman doesn't text back right away, and if you lose momentum she might not answer her phone.

After you send the text, wait a few hours and then call her. (I like to call between 8 and 9:30 pm.) Most women will now answer when you call.

Some women won't text you back. That's not a big deal. Just call her a few hours after you send the text anyway.

Try out this text and let me know how it goes.

Brandon Duran

Getting women's phone numbers on dating sites is critical to meeting them in the real world. (If you don't know how to get a woman's number on dating sites see how to get a girls number.) But after you get a woman's number, you've then got to do a lot of other things right in order to meet her in person.

If you'd like to find out what those other things are, check out the Get Her To Respond blog. It's packed with cutting edge online dating advice to help you meet and date more women from online dating sites. Brandon Duran, creator of the Get Her To Respond blog and the premier online dating coach, has condensed some of his best techniques for meeting women online, and it's all free on the blog. Check it out now

How To Get Women - Three Essential Tips

Have you begun to realize that knowing how to get women is a life skill that you need to develop, and not something just a few lucky men are born? And, since there is no college course on how to attract women, you're probably equipped with only the meager skills you learned from friends and family while growing up.

1) Nice Guys Come Last

Women are suckers for those alpha-male types who look like they don't give a damn what others think. This is the X-factor that gets the girls in a tizz, that gets them asking "just WHO is that man?" Unless you've been hiding under a rock, I'm sure you've noticed that the guys who score most with beautiful women also happen to be some of the roughest around!

Of course this is contrary to what you expect--don't all women tell you they want a nice polite guy, someone generous, with a warm nature and who loves his mother? Sorry fellas, never mind what the ladies say, the evidence is overwhelming...nice guys come last! My advice to you is to stop listening to the advice of women on how to get women. They don't actually know what they really want. Far rather pay close attention to the men that women are actually dating, fooling around or sleeping with.

2) Women are Suckers for High Social Value

Humans, and their environment, have certainly evolved hugely since primitive times. However, you have to understand that we still follow behavioral patterns that were established millenniums ago. Back then, women searched out men who could protect them and care for them. The men that qualified were strong, able warriors and good hunters. They were looked up to and sought after, meaning they had high social value.

Today, this is equally true, but translates to women being attracted to men who are strong in some way which is relevant to modern times. And it doesn't mean that you have to be in the top echelon of leaders and achievers-- you don't have to be a sports champion, a celebrity, or very wealthy. But you must be strong in your own way, self-assured, and above all, naturally so...the words nonchalant and casually confident spring to mind.

Men with high social value are popular with both men and women. They never chase (not overtly, anyway)--that's a real social value killer! And remember, women also have social value: the more socially valuable a woman is, the more she's going to desire a guy who knows his own value and who believes that women need him more than he needs them.

3) Make Rejection Your Ally

If you've ever had any sales training, you'll have been taught to be happy when you get turned down. How come? Because it means you're one step closer to your next yes! And realistically, there is not and never has been a man who in all honesty enjoyed a 100% success rate in picking up women. Not even Casanova or Don Juan.

Well...maybe they came close, but you know what I mean!

This means that if you want to be able to select from the world's loveliest women, you simply must put your fears aside--you've got to put yourself in positions where you can meet women and ask them on dates. Unavoidably, some of them will turn you down. However, the more women you approach, the more times you will hear the sweet sound of " Yes!" And this will become increasingly true as you continue to develop your skill at how to get women.

The author's website contains a lot more invaluable but FREE advice and tips on how to get women. Get advice on all aspects of dating for men at

2011年6月8日 星期三

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2011年6月7日 星期二

Dating for Geeks

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2011年6月6日 星期一

How to Get Women to Like You

Which man does not like women to like them? In fact, as human beings, we like being notice and being like by everyone, if possible.

Everyone will eventually find their soul mate and it is the dream of everyman to be understood and like by the woman they adore. Here are some simple steps for you to follow on how to get women to like you.

If you show that you are have lots of friends and is having lots of fun with them, to the woman's eyes, you portray a good nature personality and well-like by many people. How to get women to like you is o be exactly this. Which woman will like a loner and grumpy man?

Women can see you through when you fake your actions. This includes giving her gifts on intention. By giving her gifts to get her approval is the most superficial way to gain one's approval.

It gives an impression to her that you are trying to 'buy' her attention. No women will stoop so low to put their self-worth to the presents they receive.

How to get women to like you is easy because you just need to be yourself. Don't worry if she doesn't like you. Put yourself first and then wait for her acceptance. If she rejects you, you can find someone else who appreciates who you are.

Finally, scarcity method is one of best ways on how to get women to like you. This is by not being too available to tend to her needs. You should not agree immediately or be at her doorsteps when she says she needs you. By being hard to get, she will appreciate you more.

There's a blueprint that many guys use to MASTER their success with women. And you can find out more on the following website: []

The "Alpha Attraction" system contains 33 SIMPLE Rules for building sexual attraction with women. Created from a proven formula, this guide was specifically designed to help you whenever you want to ATTRACT a woman.

Since attraction is the key to success with women, this report reveals the secrets to becoming the kind of man that women TRULY desire.

Click on the following link and discover How to Attract Women []

2011年6月5日 星期日

Getting Women To Like You

Getting women to like you is different from person to person, but some things are universal. For example, some women like men who are aggressive, other women like men who are more laid back. But the universal attraction is a man who can protect her and make her feel good. I won't be talking about the specifics but general ways of getting women to like you.

Some men are known for having a group of women surrounding them. Other men are on the sidelines wondering how does he do it. These men who have women surrounding them know what women like and they do it. Not to impress her, but to get them into the fun. Being that you may not know what each woman likes or dislikes you have to get women that like you already. Let's say that I met a chick that likes me and I like her. Then a few days later I meet two other women that like me and I liked them. One day we were all in the same place at the same time, I introduce the three women and now we have a place that we are all talking. I happened to be sitting in the middle because I am the connection to the group so they want to sit next to me. From a distance it looks like I'm a Sultan with a harem of women at my disposal.

This is why pick up artist tell you to sit in the middle or be the center of attention in the group because from a distance it adds value and social proof. The funny thing is you may meet another woman and she'll say that she saw you before. You'll probably be confused and wonder where did she see you, and she may say that you we're surrounded by a group a girls. She may say this with a smile, thinking that you're some kind of player or mack, but all you did was sit with some women that you knew. Does this happen everyday? Maybe not, but it may surprise you when it does. Women like men who attractive women like. Guys want to hang out (if they're not haters) with men who attract beautiful women. Hot chicks have hot friends and the guys can get their hot friends.

Being liked by women varies from woman to woman. You can't get them all but the ones you do get can attract more. Women talk and if you did sleep with one of them they'll probably tell their hot friends. Their hot friends may want to meet you and now you are getting women to like you. Use this to your advantage and see how attractive you'll become in a woman's eyes.

Click the link below to take my free 30-day mini-course and get my free e-book, The Confidence Skyscraper. After this mini-course, you're gonna see how easy it is getting women to like you.

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2011年6月4日 星期六

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2011年6月3日 星期五

Tips to Organize Events

The Tips to Organize Life Event Planner. This planner will remove the stress and add organization to the planning of all of your events. Let it be your guide to planning the perfect party every time!

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2011年6月2日 星期四

How to Get Women to Notice You - 3 Must Know Secrets of Attracting Female Attention

It should be pretty obvious that if you want to have a much better time dating and meeting women, then you have to know how to get women to notice you. Attracting female attention is something that a lot of men have a hard time dealing with, and you need to be able to get a handle on this if you are going to change your luck and start seeing real success in your dating life. After all, if a woman does not notice you, what's the odds are that she is going to end up wanting you?

Here are 3 secrets of attracting female attention that will get women to notice YOU:

1. Your looks do play a part, but they have more to do with your overall appearance.

Most guys don't realize that it is the overall appearance that gets women to notice them. See, most guys seem to think that they need to be blessed with a certain look to attract women, but it's really more about having a style that gets female attention. You can be 20 pounds overweight, and look like any other guy, but if you know how to dress with style-- women will notice you.

2. Women are attracted to men that are able to communicate through their body language.

Here's an interesting thing that not everyone is aware of and that is, human communication is mostly through body language. Though we tend to think of it only in terms of conversation, body language actually makes up a larger percentage of communication. That is why it is key for you to learn how to use your body language the right way to attract women. You don't want to come off like a guy who has no appeal to a woman and that can easily happen when your body language does not communicate the right message to her.

3. A woman will notice a guy who does not come off like all the rest.

One thing that always gives women the upper hand when it comes to dating, is that they are used to getting approached, and they learn to deal with it by making quick judgments of the guys that approach them. So, if you want to get a woman to notice you, you need to come off as being different from all of the rest. Trying to copy what the next guy does will NOT get you very far.

Want to get more advanced techniques and tips on how to get women to notice YOU?

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Date Beautiful Women...

Copyright ? 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

2011年6月1日 星期三

The Bounce Back To Dating Formula

Earn 50% commission on this unique product for the dating advices market by 2 top experts.

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How to Get Women - What You Need to Know

A lot of guys would brag about how good they are in getting women to date them. Some of them also brag about their outstanding skills in making women like them. But do they really know how to get women to date them? Do they really have the skills on how to get women to like them? Chances are most of these men really have exceptional skills but not in what they say they can do. They have incomparable skills in bragging. If you do not want to be like them, here are some tips on how to get women.

The first thing that you have to do is to go out. This is the best way for you to find women to get. You wouldn't have a lot of options if you do not go out. You cannot expect women to come knocking on your door to ask you to like them unless you are extremely good looking like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.

After you have met women, select someone whom you think will be a good partner for you. Once you have selected, you have to learn things about her. It is always best to go into battle well armed. Start with basic personal information first. Ask around what her interests are or what she likes doing. This is important so you can decide where you will take her to. If she likes movies then bring her to a movie. If she likes dining out then take her to a restaurant. You also have to know what food she likes or what kind of movies interest her. This is important so you will not fail with your plans. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if you bring her to a steak house only to find out she is a vegetarian or how awkward it would be if you bring her to a romantic movie only to discover that she hates mushy films.

After you have made plans for your date, it is time to ask her out. If you think this part is easy, you are mistaken. You cannot go to her and simply say "can we go out on a date?" Do this and you'll probably get a resounding no. This might work for some girl you met in a bar but not with a girl you met through friends or in a museum. What you do is you make her at ease with you first. Call her once in a while. Send her emails or text messages. Once she warms up to you that is the time to ask her out.

On your date, do your best to impress her. Be on time. Be well groomed. Dress appropriately. Make sure that you also keep interesting conversations. Most women hate guys they cannot talk to with sense.

These tips on how to get women are just simple. You just have to be very creative. A little patience would also help.

Get free advice on how to get women and sleep with as many women as you would like.

You only live once, do you really want to look back on you life and say I wish I would have more sex? Go to for the best free advice on how to get women.

2011年5月31日 星期二

How to Get Women to Want to Talk to You - And Get Them Hooked on You For Good

Do you want to stop chasing women and have them chase you for a change? If you do, then I highly suggest you continue reading. You see, seduction is not about 'forcing' women to be attracted to you. It is about displaying the right characteristics and stepping back to let the attraction build within her. Remember that words themselves will never get women attracted to you. They are just a means to convey the correct characteristics. Read on.

How to Get Women to Want to Talk to You - And Get Them Hooked On You For Good

1. Body Language

Women have made up their mind about you BEFORE you even say hi. They use your body language to judge the type of man you are. And believe it or not, your body language DOES say a lot about who you are.

Learn the principles of seductive body language. This is vital for generating interest within women.

2. Self-Entertainment

I never realized how huge of a liability the ego was until I finally let go of it. You see, you are not going to be very successful with women if you go out to the club JUST to "pick them up". need to be going out for your own entertainment. Stop focusing on getting women and instead focus on having your own fun. This will bring the women to you. Why?

Because you ARE the party.

Get out of your head and stay fully in the moment. Learn to trust yourself and get away from analyzing every single move you make.

And Remember...

If you want to make women crazy with lust, you MUST master your body language. This will give you an unfair advantage over the MILLIONS of men who are completely CLUELESS about its power!

Research has proven that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Most times, you have RUINED your chances with a woman before you even get a chance to open your mouth!

If you really want to learn how to seduce women, then learn the Secrets of Body Language...this much I know for sure

2011年5月30日 星期一

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2011年5月29日 星期日

Keurig B-70 B70 Platinum Single-Cup Home Brewing System

Keurig B-70 B70 Platinum Single-Cup Home Brewing SystemThe Elite Brewing System is Keurig's gourmet home brewing made affordable. The Elite Brewing System, the most affordably priced Keurig kitchen brewing system, offers K-CupR coffee, tea and hot cocoa brewing as the elite choice to any drip coffee maker. The Elite offers two cup sizes for brewing options with the programmable feature of Auto Off. The 48-ounce removable water reservoir holds up to 6 cups before refilling and for the removable drip tray allows for easy cleaning and the use of travel mugs.At initial set up, once the machine is filled with water, it will take approximately 4-minutes for the water will be heated. During the heating period the red light next to 'HEATING' on the LED Control Center will become illuminated. Once the water is heated, the red light will turn off and the Small Mug Button will flash. Press the Small Mug Button to start a cleansing brew. Pour the hot water into the sink. The Brewer may take 15 seconds to reheat water between brews during which time the red light next to 'HEATING' on the LED Control Center may be illuminated. When the water has heated, the red light will turn off. The one-time set-up process is now complete and you are ready to brew!

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2011年5月28日 星期六

How to Get Women to Notice YOU - Make HER Attracted to You

Knowing how to get women to notice you is something that most guys are never taught. So, most men will kind of take a shot in the dark and hope that they can create attraction with a woman that they like. And it hardly ever works out that way. How can you make a woman attracted to you?

How do you get women to notice YOU?

Well, you can take the advice of many so called seduction "experts" and turn into a peacock. That means wearing bright and flashy colors and outfits that make EVERYONE notice you. Only thing with that is, it looks kind of ridiculous once you get past a certain age, like 21.

Or you can learn how to do the subtle things that make women spot you from a mile away.

Things like using your body language to attract female attention. Or being the kind of guy that women just naturally gravitate towards. These are much better options for most men, as I don't know about you, but I'm not wearing NOTHING that makes me look like a Prince knock off just to get attention.

The key on learning how to get women to notice you, is understanding what women want and what creates that little feeling that makes her attracted to you.

If you have a real understanding of this, then you don't NEED to use all of those gimmicks. And you will have a much better success rate with QUALITY women as well.

Knowing how to get women to feel attracted to you and how to get women to notice you is something that you must learn IF you want to make her feel attracted to you.

Want to know more?

Create Attraction With Women Learn How To Attract Women.

Copyright ? 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

You can re-publish this article ONLY if you keep the entire article and resource box intact with the Author name as well.

All links in article and resource box MUST be kept active and usable.

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2011年5月27日 星期五

Personality is the Key in Attracting Women - Three Key Tips in Using Personality to Get Women

Have you ever heard a girl described as, "having personality" and chuckled, because you knew that meant she was ugly. Well this proves how shallow men can be. For a woman, having personality actually is an attractive feature all by itself and something that is worthy of praise and can make you worth to attract and seduce women. There is nothing wrong with a man having a strong and forceful personality, in fact it is encouraged and perhaps even a necessity. If you wish to find out some ways you can use (or develop) your personality to attract women, read on...

Being interesting is key in attracting women

Do not tell boring dull stories. Spice thing up. You do not need to lie, but learn to make your stories a little interesting. Brevity is the soul of wit to. If your tale take 3 minutes to tell, find a way to make it 1.5 minutes with the same punch. When you drone on you lose people. You need to be quick and to the point to keep their interest.

To attract women do not try to attract women

Perhaps I would say this better with, " not be seen trying too hard to seduce women". This is one of the key tips in using personality to get women. You are of course going to try very hard to impress her. The key point is that you must do everything to seem like you do not care about impressing her. Being confident and funny around her are great, but you need to remain and challenge to her. Once she knows she has you locked in and pursuing her, it is easy for her to lose attraction to you.

Since personality is the key in attracting women develop an interesting personality

Learn the things that attract women. Click Here! for a guide that will show you the things that attract women. Once you know everything that attracts women in general, develop a specific personality that fits you that also will interest women. Use your strengths if you are funny, be the "funny" guy. If you are confident, be a little cocky and brash. It is up to you, you need to incorporate all the personality traits that attract women but you can highlight the ones that best fit you, making you an individual and more attractive.

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2011年5月26日 星期四

Numi Organic Tea Flowering Gift Set in Handcrafted Mahogany Bamboo Chest: Glass Teapot & 6 Flowering Tea Blossoms

Numi Organic Tea Flowering Gift Set in Handcrafted Mahogany Bamboo Chest: Glass Teapot & 6 Flowering Tea BlossomsPackaged in an exotic hand-made dark mahogany bamboo case, this Flowering Gift Set holds a bin of Numi's Bouquet Flowering Tea that is filled with bouquets of tea leaves and Numi's Teahouse glass teapot (420 ml.) through which to observe the blooming tea petals. A simple luxury that heightens the tea experience and makes for a singular conversation piece, this reusable case will have a long-lasting impression on a friend or loved one NOTE: The included teapot does not come with a strainer

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2011年5月25日 星期三

Advanced Asian - Dating Mastery Guide for Asian Men

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K-Y Sensual Silk Personal Lubricant, 4.5-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 2)Enhance the pleasure of intimacy with K-Y Sensual Silk. The luxuriously light, long lasting formula feels irresistibly soft and sexy on your skin. Compatible with latex condoms, this seductively silky, smooth personal lubricant is made in Canada.

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2011年5月24日 星期二

2011年5月23日 星期一

How to Get Women to Want You - 3 Tips to Creating Attraction With a Woman

From the time you were just a teenager, you have probably been intrigued with the idea of being able to make women want you. For most guys, all this ever is is just a wish, as they never key in on what will actually get women to want them. Yet, there are some guys that seem to be able to break through that wall and discover what it takes to make a woman want them. If you want to be one of those lucky guys that seems to be a smashing success with women, then pay attention.

To attract women, you have to be able to position yourself a certain way. You need to be able to stand out, or else you are going to get passed over very easily.

Here are some tips on how to get women to want you and create attraction with a woman:

1. To make her want you, you have to know when to make the move.

If your timing is off, then you are not going to get the same response from a woman that you would if you were right on the money. Sometimes, all it takes is just a slight difference in your timing to get a massively different response from a woman. See, a lot of guys either rush in too fast and try too hard to make a woman like them, OR, they end up holding back for too long and then they end up stuck in the friend zone, unable to get out and that is where they will stay.

2. To create attraction with a woman, she has to feel better when she is around YOU.

The most powerful attraction that you can have with a woman, is when she almost needs to be around you like a drug she is addicted to. See, when you know how to elevate a woman's emotions, so that you are the guy she can feel really good when she is around him, then she will have to respond with attraction. And then, you won't have to be the one that is always making the move, she will start to make the moves on YOU.

3. If you want to get women to want you, you have to walk like an alpha male.

Women can sense when they are in the presence of a true alpha male, and when they are, they are immediately attracted to him on some level. From there, you can easily turn it up a notch and make her feel like she just cannot resist you. Don't think that you have to change who you are completely to be seen as an alpha male. All you have to do is to learn how to hold yourself like an alpha male and women WILL be attracted to YOU.


Discover how to get women to see YOU as the alpha male and you will be able to attract more women that you know what to do with...

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Seduce Beautiful Women...

Copyright ? 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

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Apple iPad 10W USB Power Charger Adapter for iPad with data dock cable A1357 + MA591GThis Apple USB Power Adapter is a compact power adapter offering fast, efficient charging at home, in the office, or on the go. Its universal design means that it works around the world, with the help of the Apple World Travel Adapter Kit (sold separately).

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2011年5月22日 星期日

How to Get Women Fast

Knowing how to get women is a fantastic thing, I've gone ahead and provided some dating tips that will help you experience much more success with women. But first I'd like to quickly talk to you about what really attracts women.

It is believed that, psychologically, women are attracted to high status men. This really dates back to when we were living in caves and things like protection and being provided for were key for a woman's survival. Hence, high status Alpha Males were what women wanted and needed.

This may seem irrelevant in this day and age, what with government benefits and all the protection provided for us (at least in the Western world). But on a subconscious level this still plays the most important role for attraction.

By understanding that this is what will help you get women, you should now realize that to attract a woman you will need to demonstrate higher value (DHV). When you are seen as higher value as a woman, she will tend to become attracted to you.

There are a number of ways for doing this. But the best way is for her to see it for herself. For instance, women usually like dominant confident men. And if a woman perceives you to have this quality, then it will stick. And therefore make you more attractive in her eye's.

So what other traits will help you get women?

1. By getting girls to laugh and have a fantastic time with you, they'll begin to associate the fun time with You!

2. A confident attitude towards life. Confidence indicates that you are successful and are to be trusted.

3. Being unique and original is loved by women. Stand out of the crowd and reap the rewards. So be spontaneous and different!

There are a whole bunch of these (there's more on my blog) which will help you to know the kind of characteristics that will get women to like you.

Now check this out - You can go to my blog which provides dating tips on how to get women. It covers many aspects of the dating game, from how to approach women, talking to girls and even how to conquer your Inner Game.

2011年5月21日 星期六

Harajuku Lovers Women's Yipee Ankle-Strap Sandal

Harajuku Lovers Women's Yipee Ankle-Strap SandalYour entire outfit will say Yipee when you grace your foot with Harajuku Lovers’ sandal. The two-piece rubber upper with daring cutouts is made sweeter by the girly bow that decorates the shoe’s open toe. The adjustable ankle strap and wedge heel make this sandal easy to wear through the warm-weather months.

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2011年4月29日 星期五

Friends & Lovers

Friends & LoversFRIENDS AND LOVERS - DVD Movie

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Women 10 dating tips for

Dating fun, not stressful is meant to be. If you've been dating for a while, then you probably think you all know it. You your share of grief, and yourself, as some heart broken probably even. But how long you've been dating, no matter how you always experience better, there are a few tips you can use.

1. make it easy for it

Of course you are on the prowl, but don't rush yourself. If you are truly ready to go out and start dating again, ask yourself. If you mean you're on the way, you yourself after you've sorted out at the moment, the person of your dreams will still trust on your plate so many things out there.

2. shine

The best before date to go out and try to see. While this total there "accepting day Anna all the same" is going on, it is still put in a good and nice clothes in General groom themselves well. If nothing else, will make dressing before and that in itself will make you more attractive to the opposite sex, a little more than a beautiful feeling.

3. care not

Keep because I've to go out, do not have the spirit himself up so bad. There are other people like the scene, been even some people realize the first timer. There is a good chance that you get hit bar or Club, move, and then not try extreme flirts inconveniences people pay any attention to, especially if you are. Just relax and try to have a good time.

4. friendly

Closer to you need to know how is the best way to awaken to difficult. Frowning and angry looking they should stay away and let me know all. Likewise, if you are too shy or nervous, you can attract not who all. Being friendly and are having a wonderful time to act is another to catch people's attention is the best way to do this, and also a lot less threatening.

5. How do I dress watch

Can anyone give the wrong idea. No one is also a "one night stand" want to be labeled. So public clothes will get quite a lot of attention, but in the end will not the type you want. It's the other way to get your messages make it a point to. Hey guys when she was half naked, but they are certainly interested in her body a woman's heart and mind are not interested in.

6. adopt a positive attitude

Dating for a bad attitude is not in possession of or where you are, for example, suffer from a bad relationship, and you now believe all men are the same. Assume that type of generalization, already have decided your fate. Adopt a positive attitude and your dating experience is smooth sailing.

7. There are more clubs and bars than life

If you are looking for love, you probably will not be able to find a local pool hall: Book Club, social club signup, online dating site, and maybe even just open eyes everyday dating, you need to extend your horizons. Narrow when it comes to mind where dating is not gonna win you. Open and social only in your local supermarket is also a great guy, you can find!

8. every person has a fair chance

Man you do not refuse when approached before that to know him a little bit more. It is commonly know someone is no longer just takes a couple of dialog. If someone is truly interested, it's because audit could turn to when you don't know something more. If nothing else, some guys can make good friends.

9. do not use too

If they do you need anyone at any time you can easily use the dating fun? is this is something that their first or second relationship, especially within the relatively young age most people realize. If you're available too, you will eventually have taken the genuineness. It may seem unfair, but just how it works. Truly you want that, do not always there.

10. numerous people date

Only one person at a time date is fine, but the "player" being considered to be one or more men can be the date that you're actively dating. If you're looking for something more serious, then it does not offend any one of the best man to date. However, if you are looking for simply field play, if more than one person dating just fine-Besides, it is up to you there is a better idea of the information provided.

That miserable experience does not remember the date. However, especially if you are in relation to the previous bad myself dating back to before you may need to give some time. Try not to be the first stuff too seriously when it comes to the seriousness of dating things and putting a damper on the way. Just your experience and enjoy the best the people you meet.

Wadzanai Nenzou writers inspirational quotes change life is the owner of the website. She is the love and care about the topic of dating. More from her and her the website for

2011年4月28日 星期四

5 big online dating tips

Online dating, the instant knowledge and busy schedules, especially in the era of today, for singles has become a popular option. Every year more and more singles dating their lives improve are turning to the Web and have enjoyed much success: more than marriage ever met for the first time that occurs between people online. Of course, if you love of your life to, interested in finding the best available service, need to learn how.

Here are some great Internet dating tips love when trying to find on the Web, your experience will help improve the look.

Tips for you # 1-selected service works

The most important Internet dating tips remember one that works for you, select a service. There are so many services it's hard to figure out which one can available today will meet your needs. There is a common service, relationship service, social networking sites, niche websites, and more.

All the options and see what you are really looking for a date. Just for fun, you are looking for the date you want to use marriage as a result, it comes to specific populations or potential lovers, friends, or when you are looking for something serious? Ask yourself, and individual needs and desires of you need to select services that meet the.

Tip # 2-build quality profile online

Good service is selected, the other important online dating tips is the online quality profile. Your profile is not to blank or matches quite a hard time finding. Possible matches are really who display profile which will mean you have to develop your profile will be verified. Your profile is interesting and positive. Avoid negative or going off people, see background information. If people look at your profile, they are interesting, they would contact is likely.

Tip # 3-post, make a good picture.

Online date to try, the best online dating tipsis one of the best guarantees to post pictures. After all, does not quite look, while the reference is often of interest to you. Just plain posting pictures may be tempted to, this is probably really doesn't cut it today. Really shows the pictures to your profile. Cool and you're having a good time to look like. People are attractive and interesting photos, find love online trying to find a better result again.

# 4 tip-yourself and avoid lying

It is also very important to be yourself and to avoid any lies. Myself a bit better job [NULL] by lying about, how much you hold, or even to create your age is easy to create sound. Really want to find something in the real Web is real. Lies, as well as on the Internet, nice to see that rude but it also will come from any point in time. They figure out you lied when they drive away the very same people who don't want to find. Keep all honest and you're lucky you'll find that you want.

# 5-learn and practice online dating safety tips

Of course, the most important one of the tips, make sure you online dating is a safe practice. However, there are many success stories, there's also wrong, the story of online relationships.

Own the following safe Internet dating tipssecure:

-Your gut-the most important thing to remember in one of those is always listening to your intuition. I don't think something right, that feeling of trust. It can save your life.

-Avoid giving personal information right away-if someone is for your information, please go ahead, be careful. Never give up the right information. Later, as far as your phone number, address and other information to keep to yourself.

-Watch out of negative attributes-anger, question, avoid or control, it is even the same negative attributes, if you notice that you want to avoid people.

-Always the first dates for the meet in a public place, always keep the first date-only public place where someone I. so be sure to tell.

These online dating tips when looking for love online is fun, exciting, and you can enjoy success. That special someone if you want to find always follow these tips.

Http:// to visit and free report- five women and a lot more sizzle online dating tips, .

2011年4月27日 星期三

Short man-woman and your success key's dating tips

Dating can be brutal in the world. It is the standard set by the society do not fall within the more and more. If you are a bit heavy, short or average colleagues may feel balder than even though women you advice when it comes to getting your hand, you've got an uphill battle. There are many dating tips for men in General, and some particular men they feeling something was lacking will make women fail to notice them. For example, can give you the advantage really man good girl short guy when it comes to meeting for dating tips to .

Short many men they tall man next to do not stand a chance. It's all cases. Although some women naturally tall attractive to men, many women height [NULL] lick does not give at all. The best dating tips short men, one of which must be the height for the lack of confidence. Vu is a man love a woman. Although very different than arrogant. High head, and then click never apologize for your height. It's own to celebrate it. In his life, a non-issue and date of the women's lives is not a problem.

It is also very important to approach a woman when you engage in everything she makes one say. mistake many men they talk to the woman while looking for other potential customers around the room to their eyes DART. Nothing more than this turns away woman. Instead, choose carefully what she says, focus on women. Her questions and friendly and warm. She's acting like a gentleman is actually to thank you for your height, her mind takes a backseat quickly.

Be fun. This is one of the best dating tips is short for guys. Women enjoy an interesting guy, not a myth. They really do and not to self non-comic fascinated immediately if you are a woman. Male humor when it's in his character [NULL] about so many things. The woman immediately referred to how much fun he and how outgoing he is if he can be sensible. This extolling a long list of jokes but not subtle humor to your advantage to use does not mean.

Never you find attractive women get in the way of meeting your height. Talk to her before she height do not their favorite home. Short for guys dating tips allows you to let you know how many women they so it is completely your charm are focused in your height will not notice you'll be surprised by.

Chances are you in love with your future if you don't leave. to a certain woman return her feelings, there you have to do certain things to lose, or she, you have no idea what to say or do, so she and your chance to risk missing. This visit, and so she can't resist to yourself how you can create more women in their lives what you want from the men, the insight help site!.

In fact, a woman feels about you. She'll fall in love, instead of hoping to now you'll find it in the future, without you I can't imagine how to make.

Dating Site believes that the pair find similar perfect love

Washington, may 25 (ANI): A newly set up rendezvous site insisted that people are more likely to find love, if their characteristics are similar to their partners.

The site,, from New Rockefeller Center Christina Bloom, facial recognition technology uses for Zoom to nine points by the person, such as eyes, ears, nose, Chin, and the corners and the center of the mouth, and once you find a matchthe site notifies the pair.

"If you look at most pairs, you see that these facial features are very similar. I do believe that this theory out there will help people, "ABC News reported that Bloom.

The would-be proxenitis said the perception that people are more those who resemble them to attract came from my own experience and years of observation.

About 20 years, said she began dating her own male doppelganger and said he feels an unparalleled traction.

"I had such a strong attraction to him, and it was like nothing he had ever experienced before," he said.

"Our Features were very similar and we were told that we looked like brothers everywhere we went. Then I started noticing couples everywhere I went, "he said.

This observed phenomenon between friends and family, as Hollywood stars such as David Bowie and Iman, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Heidi Klum and seal and Paul Newman and Joanne Durant.

Bloom wrote a book a small gift for the theory and later started a blog, but about a year and a half before she decided to be taken seriously by the placement of the theory to work.

The site, fueled by the technology of facial recognition, attracted around 8,000 people.

Bloom is itself recognised that compatibility and similar securities also are key elements for finding long-term love, but said he hopes the site can help people get a jumpstart. (ANI)

View the original article here

2011年4月26日 星期二

How To Avoid Dating Damaged Women

Dating help for men who continually pick damaged, wounded, and emotionally messed up women to date. What makes a woman damaged h

Check it out!

Dating tips, date women

Top 6 dating tips to date women it success! Dating, women of the rules and naturally you can attract about reading.

Once you know what to do with dating women is just as easy. But to start if you are unsure of the location, so here are a few tips, dating to date, what to do and at the same time enjoying myself able to attract women how fine you.

Tip 1: look good

The world's most handsome men can not be, but you can't see the good does not mean that! Self shine is a very important and date before cleanup, clean and ironed shirt pulling effort does not take a lot of. Looks like a mud woman if they're not interested in you. Small tip to remember that the bath, scented, and trimming away include the nose hair.

Tip 2: don't lie

All dating tips, this is probably the most important of them all, and is one of the times. He more often than not easy even your life more interesting sounds made up to the truth, or a specific things [NULL] realize that lying about. However, the more you life harder to keep track of the details and the same woman and after the date your 4 actually lies I've told you remember your first date?

Tip 3: have a sense of humor

Women date men a good sense of humour I would love to have. Her laugh, you can create your won half the battle is already there. Because of this, making her laugh, she is happy and enjoying myself. Laughter is to create a positive atmosphere with her date with good memories of her is good also because of the leaves. How did she remember the fun that this date is with you in the back have to move out of her!

Tip 4: be yourself

Most of the dating tips will tell you there in order to attract women to live up to expectations. This is not true! Men and women always pretend that someone else forget for a long time does not work. Sooner or later the truth slip out, because not to return to lie 2 tip. Besides, not much and rather you who pretend to be you than anyone else to have a woman date?

Tip 5: can a mystery

The most important dating tips , one of which is never ever available. Women are naturally curious and charm what they don't know. So if you as a bit of the puzzle yourself to the project, they naturally will want to go out with you more. So they call you when it is recommend that you don't always have their Beck and call. This dating is the most important rule is one of the. Good but do not be so good and you always coming back for more girls.

Tip 6: to date, you can enjoy.

Dating and women's success in the final tip is actually your date will enjoy. If you need to do to date, or all, you can create stress how perfect or sound or how to look like your date out on trying to find someone there is no point. Women dating is supposed to be comfortable and enjoyable. You are enjoying yourself, she will be able to tell, and in turn she was a good date or not. Too much of a single date and who; Do not expect if your significant other, or if you do not find the soulmate, dating women can get a new best friend.

Overnight dating success twice more free tips to get now to visit! Discovery meeting dating to attract players and can also involve women's secrets.

2011年4月25日 星期一

The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack

The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion PackSims 2: Nightlife takes your Sim into the night. Explore all of your favorite after-dark activities as you discover your Sims' love lives or have a crazy night out with friends. With the new dating gameplay, players will see if their Sims have chemistry with others, which will determine their romantic fate. Make your Sims nightlife fantasy a reality with over 125 new objects including a DJ booth, poker table and all you need to design the ultimate nightclub and VIP lounge.

Price: $34.99

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Online dating, meet women-an endless stream of date women and 4 tips on how to

Why do you alone more often than not, that you love know without the company of a woman is not required. Shape, income and age beyond the difficulties of women online and offline meeting. To share with you'll just follow 4 Help how you look at the date of consumption you will find a lot of promise-you are too short, too short, too fat ... Or too long.

Tip 1: introduce yourself to the world.

It is all a numbers game. Introduction to others more, more opportunities will meet the person, or someone you know will get. So the first step is join the dating search group. Other members to create an interesting profile you partner and relationship in what I'm looking forward to tell us a little bit about yourself. In addition, you can create a profile, as long as the dating Group (not your personal the adverse .. photo post your Office, you can post pictures of some or all of the interesting places like the romantic or always go) "wink" life's a preview of your reflection. These other members will be fun and very often the eyes of other people will catch up and will be the contact.

Your love for Tip 2: search

Tip 1 for others to find you, so introduce yourself to the world. Tip 2 "," hunters will find you, waiting for someone else instead now you start to search and locate your dream friends. For most, your profile matches the search to find people. But so narrow is not the criteria. "Capture candidate" your range is wide, and then slowly narrow your search more wide-ranging search to start your search criteria. Why get a love match or the first attempt at a perfect girl or boy not trying to find. Your purpose date and know someone else moves along the endless stream of opportunity as much as possible with friends is to get to know.

Tip 3: connections to get into the mood to dating

OK, so the Member Search group that can be used in a single search through and who can connect with you. Like the pictures of her reading her profile. Search for members in a group of the whole subscribed as a member to have his full profile and photo, make sure that you have uploaded. Now, to other members is the time to contact you. Sanya's fun, but email love connection is the place to start. Subscription, unlimited access to all the singles to get their message to see all the photos unlimited membership and you can find even you who has viewed a profile and who already are showing interest. You more choices, more ways to connect and find the love match more opportunities. So you can communicate safely and privately with anyone at any time their own dedicated email address. You are completely dating connection atmosphere!

Tip 4: make your online dating skills

A single date, offline costs about online dating skills can be improved. Remember, it is in real life can lead to personal meeting online date, or date. If you have your online date halibut, who date say goodbye for the opportunity to kiss. How much do you at the local pub to spend the night. It's your online dating skills and conversational skills to be upgraded and a real person (s) before the number of online dating for one hour. You would not want the price of who just movie and a bag of popcorn is a fantastic date for online and offline to a decent story? In return, you dating skills women meet an endless stream of waiting to get to learn how.

We have this article and want to meet you and the woman begin an endless stream of the [NULL] is talking about meeting women's life-changing secrets you need to make more. Action is the first step to success. Online dating proved Women meet method click or change your life immediately to start.