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2011年1月7日 星期五

20 Sexiest movies Fan

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By (Featured Columnist) on January 2, 2011 Tumblr_l9eyx1kmnr1qa9gago1_1280_display_image

Fans have always been the only reason sports have been so?successful. Without fans, sports would crumble and fall. Go ask the XFL, American Basketball League and the World Football League if you do not believe me.

Beautiful women are the same way. Without them, I would be out of a job, Brad Pitt would not know what to do and Tony Romo would be just another tool.?

This slideshow is all about the sexy fans. It features women that have made a career out of being spotting by a television camera, streakers and more importantly, beautiful women fighting. This list covers it all.

The first slideshow of 2011 is about to begin. Enjoy!

I have always said that I am not a big soccer fan. I guess the ADHD makes it hard to sit in front of a television screen for three hours watching a scoreless game. It is not just scoreless; there are usually no attempts on goal. It is almost watching grown men run around for hours doing nothing.

That being said, if women like this were to pop in on occasion, I might find some time in my schedule to sit in front of the television.

Someone should have just let her go. C'mon man.?

If you notice the even sexier of the two women up top, then you would agree. He should let her go and watch two hotties duke it out. Sometimes that is just something we all must sit through.?

My favorite part of the video is how?blatantly obvious the person filming is. He just leans back and rolls the camera phone.?

She even noticed him but did nothing. A little attention never hurt. Especially for a MILF.?

This was a classic video on YouTube over the past year. It feautres two women attempting to fight with one man. Whether he was innocent or not, it would have been awesome to watch this one happen.

It makes the list because of the one hottie in the black jersey, drunk as a skunk at Mardi Gras, trying to attack the man in the Calvin Johnson jersey. I am pretty sure this was more exciting to watch than the game anyways.

Sure, like there is another reason to pull your phone out and hold it?suspiciously on your lap during a baseball game.

What makes it even funnier, they are sitting in the outfield. I want to watch the guy filming these videos. I would rather see how funny they look, trying to be?discrete?about it.

This video is six minutes of one crazy old man trying to dance like a fool.

However, we also get to look at some of the sexiest women from Arizona State. Thank the old man, not me. He gave them reason to tape, which gives us reason to show it.

I do not speak Spanish but I will try to translate what the announcer was saying.


Now why are those beautiful women standing up? Does anyone notice them shoved in the corner??

I think it would have been appropriate if someone offered them to sit.

If they did that then we would not have a chance to look at them. Never mind.

The New York Giants might be squandering their chances at a playoff berth this year, but I am almost certain that Reby Sky is still there, rooting them on.

This hottie is at all the Giants home games and most of the away games. If the Giants are on your schedule next season, try and get some tickets. If she is there, take a picture.

This is a video of the women that were tossed out of the World Cup and thrown in jail for advertising during a match.

Who reported them? You know it was a woman.

Without ESPN Deportes, we would never have a chance to watch the Eastbound and Down style baseball games.

Who needs to watch the game with all that booty shaking going on around you?

If only they served alcohol at college sporting events these days.

I understand that the alcohol is consumed prior to entrance into a game, but what if it was sold during the game too? We could wind up with millions more like this video.

There has never been a sexier streaker at a sporting event since I have been around.

If there is a sexier streaker that you have spotted at a sporting event, upload it on YouTube now! I would love to be proven wrong.

Quick, ask them what the score is.?

Their job is to be sexy. They are great at their job.?

Where else could she have put her phone? Did you expect her to put it in her pocket? What would be the point of that? Why would she do that to us?

I think every woman, as long as she looks like Larissa, should be required to put her cell phone in there. It should be a fan law.

If you ever wondered where she came from and how her career began, this is how.

Jenn Sterger went from a fan in the crowd to Brett Favre's wet dream.

And you thought Larissa Riquelme had an original idea?

This was shot years ago at a hockey game. Nice try Larissa, we found the originator of the cell phone between the boobs move.

Should we give out awards for the cameraman who finds this beautiful women? How did he spot her from all the people in the crowd?

She stood out like a beautiful woman in a haystack. She adds the bonus of shaking it for a few seconds too.

How does this happen at a Dallas Cowboys game and never at a Saints game that I attend?

Is it because no one cares about the game? Probably.

Is it because she is attempting to break the world record for most alcohol consumed at a NFL game? Most likely.

What if it is because Tony Romo hired her to keep the crowd entertained? That is the most reasonable of all the choices.

Watch the video. Enjoy the video. Listen to the video.

She is cheering for the wrong team but nobody cares. Keep on cheering for the Bills honey, we will not be mad.

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