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2011年1月5日 星期三

Because beautiful women love bad

Treat women with respect; You are always kind and very reliable. Are you an all round great guy.

How many times have asked yourself, "why do beautiful women love bad ass kids?" Why is it that the bad guy gets always the hot beautiful women? While we mere mortals are struggling to get, let alone keep every woman. How to find a lot of women and have little trouble keeping the biker scruffy bad boy lives next?

Really is quite simple beautiful women love "bad", I'm excited for the unpredictability, the difference and abnormal everything. The elements that make these men villains is beautiful women of what to paint them. It's pretty ironic isn't really? No wonder they say love doesn't make sense.

From other the good guys are very reliable, but can be very tedious. Us world runs like clockwork, they trail at the same time every morning, then off to work the 9-5. Go home, eat dinner; Watch a little TV then read. The standard of living that provide their family may be surprising, but inevitably the woman may get bored and start looking for something a little more exciting.

There is however some ways you can stop this from happening. Should the beautiful woman love the bad boy of old age, learn to play both the good and the bad ass can solve this problem. It's not like impossible, as it seems, and many a good marriage was saved by this type of role playing games.


Even if you were in a stable relationship for many years that your partner still needs enthusiasm, you might think that your dating partner is irrelevant, but let me tell you that can be the difference between a happy marriage and divorce messy.

Excite beautiful women; give the image of bad guy for that she is his nostalgia. But this entwine with large quality already process as his good guy, dangerous and do things ever normally would do. Take his hangliding or climbing in the mountains, go to that rough bar and display beautiful women crave for excitement. Make love to you on a public beach or trail. Go crazy dance floor and be a goof, make her laugh her infectious.

Every man has a bad guy in them; most are just wrapped up in a shell of good guy. Now that you understand why beautiful women love these dudes bad ass, are armed and ready to fight back!

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