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2011年1月15日 星期六

Jo Yeates murder detective warns of women not to walk alone at night

Police hunting killer Jo Yeates yesterday evening warned women to avoid home walking alone in the dark.

And probe murder of entry the ninth day, a team of 70-strong police confessed: "I don't know who killed Jo."

The release comes after its owner, Chris Jefferies was released on the guarantee of the observance of the ing arrest on suspicion of murder.

In addition to the flat where She lived in Clifton, Bristol, Chief Superintendent Jon Stratford said: "you can understand why citizens have doubt about their safety. Jo by the killer is still there. ”

Reassuring locals was "signs of the murderer was prowling the streets of the serial", which the Stratford warned lone women not to walk home after dark.

Yesterday evening zabrano former schoolmaster Jefferies, 65, which appeared in the Saturday, remained unclear.

Shall be deemed to be, the person is staying in the place agreed with the police.

His friends are defended retired teacher of English. The neighbour Peter Stanley, 56, said: "Just because someone is a strange looking with wild hair does not mean they are guilty of murder."

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Researchers continue to search the House four storey where Jefferies lived on the floor above the Jo and boyfriend Greg Reardon. Results from DNA samples from Jo front doors is expected today.

Her body was found at Christmas road verge three miles from home. It was the lack of a week.

Jo emotional tribute to her family paid in weekends.

In the Declaration, the parents of David and Theresa said: "Jo downloaded from us. The method has only intensified our grief.

"Have a beautiful and talented young lady that was intended to fly high.

"His life has been stolen from her and she was stolen from us. We are certain that it will be caught Jo killer. "

Greg guy said: "Jo was beautiful women, beautiful in mind, body and soul."

Architect said, he would have had a very career as a landscape Architect, adding: "will always I love it."

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